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Author pov

It's January 1st 2240, it's the start of a new year. You live in the capital of South Korea, Seoul. What used to be a huge metropolis where modern skyscrapers, high-tech subways and pop culture meet Buddhist temples, palaces and street markets.

Now however 227 years after losing the war against Vampires in 2013. Seoul is now one of the largest "blood farms" in the world. The vampires can't survive without human blood so what they did after winning the war was pretty much corral the remaining humans into large city's to breed them and feed on.

*Trigger warning ⚠️ *

A lot of the colonies in the beginning wouldn't fight to stay alive and resulted in mass suicides to avoid being fed on by the vampires. The colonies at first where terrible. Until some of the vampires realized that they wouldn't be able to sustain their own lives without giving something in return. Some however still don't care as long as they feed.

*trigger warning ⚠️ over*

When the vampire leaders of our colony learned that without giving some kind of hope to humanity their plans for survival would fail in the end. So every ten years the seven head vampires of our colony picks one person each to take back to their castle with them where they're spoiled with riches and promised full paradise.

Living at our colony isn't super bad. The vampires make it very important that you eat healthy, exercise and maintain personal hygiene. Although it's not for the right reasons, they care about the quality of the blood.

As far as we know our leaders don't feed off of humans in the traditional way of sucking it straight from the body. We all donate a safe amount every eight weeks.

We have all heard stories about the vampire leaders of our colony, they're known as BTS. Kim Namjoon, Kim Soekjin, Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park jimin and Jeon jungkook. They're rumored to be the most handsome men you'll ever see, if you're lucky enough to see them. They're compared to God's by some.

Everyone works to continue to provide decent lifes. There are farmers, cooks, doctors, artists and veterinarians. That's pretty much it. Everyone is required to take nutrition classes monthly.

We all still go to school to learn about typical subjects such as math, science, history and English. It's pretty normal living, other than being required to donate blood from the moment you turn 14 years old as well as there is no currency everything is done by trade.

Everyone is generally pretty caring. There is still crime though. There are still people who rebel against the vampires but they are usually just all talk.

Our colony has some rules that are taken very seriously.

The rules of the colonies:

1. No going outside at night.
2. Everyone gets married before age 20.
3. You must have at least 5 kids each.
4. You cannot have sexual relations before marriage.
5. Vampires and humans are not allowed sexual relations together.
6. Incest is not tolerated.

There are some vampires that live amongst us. There are also vampire guards. They actually protect humans from being fed on the old fashion way as well as prevent us from being in sexual contact with the vampires.

Everyone is grateful to be in Seoul, from rumors from "transfers" story's, other colonies are not this great. Some colonies you hear about are more like butcher shops. They keep everyone indoors, force feed the people, force people to breed and then kill them.

Here at we least get to live decently normal life's.

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