Chapter 4

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As you lay there in in your room curious about Jin and Tae. 'Will I ever see them again?' You find it hard to sleep.

So you decide to get up throw on some leggings, a bra and a sweater that says "love" on it then you grab your big denim and whoop jackets since it's probably freezing outside.

You grab your pillow as well.

You sneak downstairs to make sure that no one else is awake. You then grab your bag and sneak outside. There are no guards near by so you start to walk. After about 20 minutes you arrive at the school. Oddly though, you haven't seen even one guard.

You continue to walk until you hit the outline of the forest. It's super dark so you reach in your bag and pull out a flash light and turn in on and start to head to the doc that you relax at.

Once you arrive at the doc you start to walk towards the end of the dock. You lay your blanket down and then your pillow. There aren't many stars in the sky due to the lights from the city but it still looks beautiful.

It's been awhile since the last time you came out at night. Your appa would probably murder you if he finds out that you snuck out to come here.

You pull out your book and prop the flashlight on your bag so that it shines on the book and you just read.

Cater a couple of hours you hear footsteps on the dock.

'Fuck I'm screwed' you think to yourself as you try to think of what to say and why you're there.

You hear the steps coming closer but don't dare look until you look up and there is a handsome face looking down on you.

"Hi" you say awkwardly

"What's up" He responds

'He must it be a guard, he's not dressed up like one and he doesn't seem like the type.' You think to yourself

"Who are you?" You ask the man as you sit up and he sits next to you.

"I'm suga." The man says

"Suga? I'm y/n" you say shyly sticking your hand out to shake it.

He doesn't say anything just sits there staring at the lake.

You decide not to say anything as you start to admire his features. He has pale skin, mint green hair, he has more normal features but he just seems different. He has a cold blank stare stained on his face.

"Come here often?" You say jokingly in a flirtatious manor.

He looks at you and gives you a brief little gummy smile. "Only on night when I don't feel like being around anyone." He says as his gaze returns to the lake.

"Oh I'm sorry, would you like me to go?" You ask him sweetly

"No your fine, just keep reading." He says

"Oh okay, thanks." You say as he just nods in response.

You lay back down and reposition the flashlight to where it's facing the book once again. After about 30 minutes of just silence while you read suga lays down next to you and stares up.

No words where exchanged as you put your book down and turned the flashlight off. You look up at the sky and just admire the beautiful as you've done many times before.

You can feel the waves gently rocking the dock ever so slightly. After a few minutes you find yourself drifting to sleep.

Yoongi POV

You where laying on a dock by the lake, which is something that you actually do quite often. However there usually not anyone there when you go. This time there was a girl there. Curious you just walk over and has a brief conversation with her.

She then continued to read her book, while you gazed at lake that had a calming effect on you. After about 30 minutes of staring at the lake, you lay on the dock to watch the night sky.

When you lay your head down the girl that identified herself as y/n had put her book back in her bag and shut the light off. She just stares up at the sky with you.

After about an hour of laying there you finally looked over at the girl. 'For a human, she is fascinatingly gorgeous.' You think to yourself as you stare at her now sleeping face.

She is pale with light brown curly hair. Something about her seemed off but you couldn't figure it out. It was driving you insane.

After about 20 more minutes of wondering why you feel different around her than any other human you decide to take her home with you to see if any of the other guys knows what it is about her. You stand up slowly and grab her bag putting the string around your shoulder.

You then pick the sleeping girl up bridal style and walked away towards home leaving her pillow and blanket there on the doc.

It's a pretty long walk to your car about 2 hours. Then it's only about a 30 minutes drive.

You carry her the whole way as she doesn't wake up once on the walk to the car. You lay her down in the back seat of your car, and she's still out cold.

So you just carefully drive her to your house avoiding any ant all pot hole and speed bumps to avoid waking her up.

When you pull up to the house like she knew, she slowly started to wake up. You could see panic in her eyes through the rear view mirror.

"It's okay, you'll be fine" you say to her as she just nods with wife's eyes obviously lost for words.

"Why am I here?" She says as she stares at the castle that you live in with the other 'leaders'

"The only thing you need to know right now, is that I will take care of you." You say to her softly

You get out of the car before she can respond and walk over to open her door. She gets out and follows you into the house.

"This house is amazing." She says as she walks through the door.

"Sit" You say to her pointing at a chair. "I'll be right back." You add

You wait for her to sit down before you exit the room to gather the rest of the guys.

Y/n pov

After waking up in a strange vehicle you start to panic until you hear suga, the man from the doc say "it's okay, you'll be fine." For some reason him saying that calmed you a lot.

Suga didn't provide you any answers as to why you where there so you decide to not ask a second time.

After suga exited the car he walked over to yours and opened it. After signaling you to follow him, you do.

When you walk into the huge house, it's like nothing you've ever seen before. There is a grand staircase directly in front of you and double doors on each side of the room a long with floor to ceiling bookshelves and seating.

Suga then points at a chair and tells you to sit. 'He must be important if he lives here.' You think to yourself 'maybe he's another vampire! Ahh...'

You start to get excited thinking that you've possibly met another vampire as you have always wanted to know more about them.

After suga leaves the room going through the doors to the left and disappearing, you stand up to explore the bookshelves.

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