He Loves ME?!

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Louis walked up the driveway to Harry's house, Harry was his best friend...but Louis wanted more, he just wasn't sure how Harry felt about that. But today he was going to find out.

Harry looked out of the window and saw Louis. He was happy to see him and opened the door "Hey Louis" he said, hugging him

"Hey Haz," Louis smiled, hugging his back, "Come on it," Harry opened the door a bit more so Louis could step inside.

Harry walked over to the kitchen "Wanna drink something?" he asked

"Sure, do you have any root beer?" He asked, sitting down at the kitchen table.

Harry opened the fridge "Yes." he said, gets him some and sat down next to him.

"So, Harry i need to talk to you," Louis started, taking a sip of his drink.

"Okay..." Harry said" You can talk to me about everything.."

"Harry," Louis looked down nervously, he didnt know how to put it "Harry...i think i love you," He said quietly.

Harry was shocked, he felt the same but he had no idea what to do. He stand up "You-you do?..."

"Y-yeah, and not just as a friend.." Louis trailed off, hoping Harry would catch on.

Harry walked over to Louis and hugged him "I think... I love you too!" he whispered into his ear

Louis was shocked, he didn't know what he expected, but he certainly didn't expact that, "R-really?"

Harry let go off Louis and looked into his eyes "Yes" He said, took Louis hand and walked over to the living room to sit down on the couch "I think we need to talk, right?" he asked

Louis nodded, "About what?" He asked, not letting go of harry's hand.

Harry laughed "You know exactly about what" He squeezed Louis' hand

"About us?" Louis asked, taking Harry's other hand and sqeezing it tight.

"Yes..." Harry replied. he leaned in and kissed Louis,but then retreats "So you love me..?" he asked

Louis nodded, "I always have," He said looking down

"Hey look at me"Harry said and smiled at Louis "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think you loved me back," Louis said, trying to look away, but Harry wouldn't let him.

"But i do love you!" harry said, looking into Louis' eyes "You're a really special and important person to me Lou..." He mumbled and smiled

èHarry, you're the most important person to me," Louis sighed, smiling at Harry.

"That's what i wanted to say." Harry said. He was not really good at telling people how much he loved them. I never wanna loose you" he said

"You never will loose me," Louis smiled.

Harry kissed Louis softly and whispered at his lips "Promise?"

"Promise, forever and always," Louis kissed Harry back.

Harry leaned back "are we...i mean are we together now?" he asked and tried to not blush

Louis nodded, "i uh thinkk so"

Harry smiled and snuggled into Louis "Good, cause i need you by my side" he said

"I need you more than anything," Louis smiled.

"I love you Lou..." Harry said and kissed Louis on the cheek.

"I love you more," Louis winked kissing Harry full on the lips.

Harry deepens the kiss and started to play with louis' hair.

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