Curley and Boo

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{Harry's POV}

I walked nervously into the building, my hood pulled down over my eyes incase I saw someone from school here, I doubted I would but there was a chance. And anyone can recognize my curly locks, which isn't always a good thing.

I looked around, the walls were covered with racks of dvds. Hanging on the bottom of each rack was a sign saying which categorie they were. Hardcore, Gay, Lesbian, and so on.

At the back of the shop was a black door with the word "Toys" written in bright red lettering. I shivered and steered away from that section, seeing as I wouldn't need anything like that.

I gazed along the wall and reluctantly walked towards the section I wanted.

Peeking up from my hood I looked at the movies along the wall. I tried to find one with the most attractive guys. When I found one that had a guy with curly hair, like my own, and one guy with light feathery hair, Like Louis', I grabbed it and quickly walked to the check out.

Still hiding my face I payed to money I owed and walked out the doors and into my car.

I pulled my hood off and drove out of the dreaded place, back to the apartment I shared with Louis.

* * * * *

"Hey did you get it?" Louis asked as soon as I walked in the door.

Slowly I nodded and he smiled happily, "Okay first step on teaching you how to be gay," He said and I rolled my eyes.

"This is the first step? Well then I'm afraid to do the rest..."

Louis just shook his head, "I promise you it'll be fine, anyways, all you're doing is jacking off to a movie, I'll be doing the same,"

Louis walked to the living room and closed all the curtains so it was dark-ish.

{It changes to third person here to show both their feelings xP}

Harry followed him and sat down on the floor infront of the couch. Louis plopped on the floor beside him and hit play.

"Okay now first take off you're jeans and boxers," Louis instructed and started unzipping his own pants.

Harry nodded and slowly stripped his bottom half. This was nothing really new to him, he always walked around naked.

"Okay now watch the movie and gently stroke yourself,"

* * * * *

After about half an hour Harry finnaly felt himself getting Hard. He watch the two lads on the screen lick eachother and suck eachother. He couldn't help but wish Louis was doing this to him.

As if reading his mind Louis bent over and licked up the bottom of Harry's shaft.

"L-lou," Harry moeaned out, "Lou if we're gonna go this, please not with the movie playing,"

Louis nodded and shut the TV off then got down on his knees and slowly licked Harry's tip.

Harry let out a low moan and tilted hishead back a bit, his mouth opening slightly.

Louis started fondling with his sac and sucked his dick slowly but firmly. His soft lips wrapped tightly around his size, swiftly moving up and down.

Harry threw his head back and groaned loudly, he had never done this with a guy before and it was amazing, or maybe it was just Louis, either way it was amazing.

He could feel himself on the edge and after and few more bobs he shot his liquids all into Louis' mouth. Louis moaned and swalled the whole load.

He then crawled ontop of Harry so he was straddling him and kissed his lips softly.

"I love you Harry, I'm in love with you and I always will be."

Harry chuckled, "Great way to show it," He kissed Louis' nose,

"And I love you too,"

{Hola people. How was that one? I think it's the dirtiest one I've ever written by myself! So please tel me if it was good or not and if you would like more dirty ones, less dirty ones. You choose! And keep sending me suggestions, I have one already that I'll try to get done asap! Send more!! and thanks again for 18,000!!}

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