Anything's Possible!

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Niall and Louis always had a laugh around each other. They both didn't have a care in the world...until they started to develop feelings for each other. Niall was in love with Louis, he would admit that, but Louis was still confused. So Niall decided one night to get Louis to like him, no matter how embarrassing it was. He walked down the hall to his hotel room, he knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to answer.

Louis opened the door and smiled. "Hey Nialler, why are you here so late?" He asked sounding slightly confused.

Niall shrugged, "I couldn't sleep, So I came to see if you wanted to watch a movie," He asked nervously.

"Sure!" Louis said happily, letting Niall in then he walked over and layed on the bed. "You can pick the movie."

Niall went through Louis' DVD collection and pulled out finding nemo, "This!" He exclaimed and stuck the movie in the player.

Louis chuckled as he got under the blanket and waited for Niall to lay down.

Niall sat down beside him and snuggled under the warm blanket.

Louis looked at Niall and smiled. "Stop being so adorable" he muttered.

Niall blushed and scooted closer to Louis, "If anyone's the adorable one here it's you,"

Louis blushed and giggled. "Oh stop it, you're the most adorable person ever."

Niall shook his head and poked Louis' nose, "You have an adorable nose," He whispered.

Louis blushed and wrapped his arms around Niall. "Everything about you is adorable" he whispered.

Niall giggled, "Aw thanks boo," He smiled and rested his head on Louis' shoulder.

Louis smiled softly then turned his attention to the movie.

Niall couldn't really pay attention anymore, him and Louis just had a perfect moment, and he knew Louis was only joking around.

Louis couldn't believe what just happened, he loved it. "I love you" he mumbled, pulling Niall closer.

Niall looked up at him shocked, "W-what?" He stuttered, was Louis joking or...?

"You're my best friend Ni and I love you" Louis said with a smile.

Niall sighed, he knew it was too good to be true, "I love you too," He muttered.

Louis held Niall close and sighed. He loved him more than a friend but he couldn't tell him that.

The real reason why Niall had come over was to tell Louis his feelings, but he couldn't now. Because he was just put in the 'friend zone'.

Half way through the movie a huge thunderstorm came. It made the power go out and Louis was terrified. "Hey Niall, do you mind staying with me for tonight?" He asked nervously.

Niall smiled, "Yeah sure..anything for a friend," He said, he winced at the word friend but luckily it was dark and Louis couldn't see.

Louis sighed when Niall said friend. He wrapped his arms around the younger boy and layed his head on Niall's chest.

Niall wrapped both arms around Louis protectively and sighed, "Night Lou," He whispered.

"Night Ni, I love you" Louis said with a sigh. "I love you more than a friend" he whispered.

Niall wasn't sure he had heard properly, "Lou...did you just say you love me more than a friend?" He asked shyly.

"Um... yeah" Louis said nervously and quietly.

Niall grinned widely, "Louis, I love you too, like I am in love with you,"

Louis smiled and looked up at Niall. "Really!?"

Niall nodded, "I came over here tonight to tell you that,"

Louis smile widened then he kissed Niall gently. Niall kissed him back then fell asleep in his arms.

LOL k this one suckkss! I just wanted to write a Nouis one since they're adorable. I just wanted you guys to know that Larry is my favourite bromance, but I've decided to write different one shots too..for fun(:

So let's see if i can get 3 detailed comments?? xx

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