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Excuse mistakes pleaseMay 21- The Hospital, Atlanta Georgia
Kairen laid in the hospital bed, rubbing her stomach. After the first shot of pain went through Kairen's stomach, Rose told Kelly to call 911. The paramedics was there in ten minutes.
After the first shot of pain, it kept coming and coming. Kairen was convinced she was having a miscarriage. Once she got to the hospital and they checked her, they said she was stressing and her boood pressure was through the roof.
Tears came to Kairen's eyes as the nurse told her she was at risk of a miscarriage if they didn't call the paramedics.
Now Kairen was in bed rubbing her stomach to calm her self down. She looked the wall and just thought about how her baby shower was ruined. Everyone heard what Tina said. It was obvious that the baby shower was shit.
Apollon walked through the door, altering Kairen. She turned and saw him and a smiled spread across her face. She got up slowly so she wouldn't move as much. Apollo came to her aid and helped her.
"What are you doing here." She said as he moved away a little.
"Well I was on my way to your baby shower, but when I got there they were loading you on the truck." He explained.
"Oh." Was all she said.
"What happened?" He asked.
Kairen began to explain to him everything that happened leading up to her being in the hospital. When she told him about her blood pressure and stress levels, it brought tears to her eyes. It's bad enough she won't carry a full nine months. So going into early labor is something she isn't risking.
"Damn that a lot." Apollo said.
Kairen nodded. "I felt so embarrassed when she practically yelled out that Winter was coming to her house. People obviously knew I didn't know because my eyes got big and I ran away." Kairen expressed.
"So what's the terms between you and Winter?" Apollo asked.
"I don't know. I want to marry him, but he keeps secrets, lies and I don't know if I want that type of stress." Kairen said.
قصص عامةMy works- #1 Life- /līf/ particular type or aspect of people's existence People experience the good part of life. Others experience the bad part of life. Then there are people who just get both. Some people experience the life of getting money, doin...