Chapter 12

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Hey guys! I hope you like the story! It's almost done but once you're done with this book, I have a new one. It's called If You'll Have Me (girlxgirl) and it's gonna have a sequel. I have it all planned out i just need to write it. so i hope you like my writing! thanks for reading!
i take writing suggestions, so if you ever want me to write anything, i will.

6 months later
Brett's POV

It's been 6 months since Drew died.
6 months since Alex has been in jail.
6 months of pain.
and depression.
6 months of self harming.
6 months of not wearing short sleeves and not wearing shorts.

I barely talk anymore. The only person who would understand would be Alex... but she's in jail.

I don't talk to my parents. I don't talk to Janice.

I don't smile.
I rarely eat.
I don't know how Alex has lived her 19 years.
She's been through so much pain..
She writes to me, but its not the same.
And the whole prison hates her, so they've forbidden her to stop writing to me.

I'm in my room a lot and I think a lot.

I have a lot of scars all over my body...

My thoughts were interrupted my a knock on my door.

I didn't want to open it but yet i did.

I was surprised to see Janice at my door.

I didn't smile back when she smiled at me.

I just looked at her.

How can she be so happy?

But then i realized the smile didn't reach her eyes.

I leaned against the wall and just kept on staring.

She changed over the last few months. She has longer hair and she got a little bit taller.

"can i come in?"

I sighed.

"I guess."

I opened my door all the way and she walked in.



"Your room... it's changed."

I shrugged.

"Yeah, i guess."

I knew that my room has changed. Instead of the blue it had been, it's now covered with holes. I have no more posters or pictures.

"So...what's up?"

I scoffed on her attempts to figure out whats wrong.

"What do you mean, Janice?"

"Well, you don't talk. You barely eat. You changed your style... what's wrong?"

"Nothing Janice. Everything's just peachy."

I don't bother to look at her.

"Brett... you haven't been the same. What happened 6 months ago?"

"Jesus Janice. Are you really that stupid?? I wouldn't expect you to understand because you seem absolutely fine without Alex! Fuck Janice! How do you NOT know whats wrong?? Why don't you fucking ask your favorite person in the world now, Rick?!"

She looked shocked that I yelled at her but I really didn't care. Everything I said was true. She's gotten closed to Rick (if that's even possible) and she seems to have forgotten all about Alex.

"Brett. What happened?!"

She yelled at me and i walked up to her with anger rushing through me.

"You really wanna know Janice? Your new boyfriend killed the person I loved and that I still love. He. Killed. Drew. And Alex beat the crap out of him because he killed Drew! He fucking killed him to get to you! He knew Drew was Alex's best friend and only family left so he made sure she would be mad enough to hit him and that would give him a chance to break you guys apart and you fell for it! Now Alex is in jail ad she was and is the only person that understands what i'm feeling and she still fucking loves you! But you seem fine! Drew is dead because of that sick bastard and because of him, I have these!"

I pulled my sleeves up and my arms are covered with scars. Some old. Some new.

"Not to mention the rest of my body. And Alex too! Jesus Janice. We're numb. Both of us lost the ones we love so fucking much and we are both cutting! But you don't notice shit!"

A tear fell from Janice's eye and she wiped it away.

"And if you DON'T believe me. Go to this address."

I gave her the address to Drew's grave.

She took the address and walked out of my room.

I can't take it anymore.
Janice's POV

I walked towards the address Brett gave me and I finally reached there.

I licked my lips and tasted the salty tears.

Drew Maggiore. Feb. 3 1995 - Aug. 5 2014. Loving boyfriend and friend, We'll never forget you.


I stuttered from how much I was crying.

"D-Drew. I'm s-so sorry! Alex. I'm sor-ry. I didn't know."

I cried and cried.

I kept apologizing and after what felt like forever.. I went back to the castle.
When i got back to the castle, I rushed into my room where I found Rick.

He smiled widely when he saw me but I just glared at him.

He got up and kissed me.

I hated it.

It was nothing like Alex's kisses.

She gave me sparks and butterflies and.. i can't even explain it.

But i know sure as hell Rick doesn't have the same affect as Alex does to me.

I squirmed away and kneed him in his balls.

He groaned in pain and fell to his knees while he grabbed his balls.

"Now.. did you or did you not kill Drew?"

I grabbed the back of his hair to cause him more pain.


I pulled his heard farther back.

"Owowowowowow! Fine! yes! i did! i did! but i did it because I love you, Janice."

I scoffed in disgust and made me way to Brett's room.

I walked in without knocking.

"Brett. Brett, I'm so sor-"

I didn't get to finish because what I saw in front of me was horrifying.


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