18:Satisfaction brought it back

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Chapter 18: Satisfaction Brought It Back ...

QOTD: Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back

Yes. Let's do this. I take a deep breathe before stepping out of the car.

One step. Two steps. Alright stop right here.

I slide my phone out and dial Sammy's number.

"Hey Sam...um yeah.." I let out a deep, shaky breathe, "I'm here."

"Cool man!" he says, excitedly, "Come in, you'll see me right away.."

I could barely tell who was more excited for this; myself, or Sam.

One step, two steps, now I'm in.

I leave my shoes at the shoe rack and walk towards Sam who was waving at me animatedly.

The nerves and excitement made it so that I couldn't see anything but Sam, which explains what happened next: I'm walking towards Sam, when bam! I suddenly trip over this rock-hard ball and hit the floor, face first.

What the hell why'd they put a rock inside a mosque??

Right when I thought things couldn't get any worse — because what can be more embarrassing than tripping like an idiot in a mosque? — I find out that there is no rock.

But guess what was there instead? That's right. A guy clutching his head and wincing in pain.

Oh my God...

I couldn't have...? Did I?

"I'm so sorry...I really didn't see you...it was a mistake!" the words came out in one shaky breathe.

Yes, the idiot me didn't only trip in a public area, but also made sure to trip over the head of a real, live person who was just innocently praying.

"It's alright...are you looking for someone?" He smiled at me.

That smile looked terribly familiar for some reason.


"Zayn man, I'd like you to meet my cousin and friend Adam." Super Sam to the rescue, "Adam, this is my friend Zayn..."

"Nice to meet you Zayn."

"Pleasure is mine, Adam."

He looked terribly familiar.  Did I see him before? Where?
I couldn't dwell on it; I had a small task that needed my attention first. 

Yup. Just changing religions..no biggie..I laugh silently.

"Ready?" Sam asks.

"As could be."


"We're going to say it in Arabic first and then we're going to say the same words but translated to English, okay?" the imam asks.

I nod firmly.


"Ash-hadu.." I repeat after him.

"Al-la ilaha"

"al-la ilaha"

"Il-la Allah"

"Il-la Allah..."

" wa ash-hadu"

"Wa ash-hadu" my voice trembles slightly and I fear I might collapse under the weight of the words I'm saying.

" ana Muhammadun rasool Allah "

" an-na Muhammadun rasool Allah.."

"Your doing very good brother, now for the English part.." the imam says as encouragingly as possible.

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