21: Unexpected Reply

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Chapter 21: Unexpected Reply

"You're her brother?!"

Three stupid, dumb, idiotic words. Actually, four words if you count the "are" but that's besides the point.

"What do you mean?" Zayn's grin slowly melts into a furrowed-eyebrows confused expression.

"Never mind, it's nothing just..." Every single excuse escapes my head, as I hurriedly try to think of what to say next.

"Just what, Adam?" Zayn stares intently at me.

"Well you see...." I pause, desperately searching for the right words to say, "Remember how a few months ago at the masjid that day I explained that the catalyst of my journey to Islam was a girl I work with?" I ask.

Zayn nods and gestured at me to continue telling my little story.

"Well, this girls name is Sarah Saleh, you and her look very similar... and share the same last name.  Do you see where I'm going with this...?"

Zayn gaped at me, eyes wide.

"So you're telling me that my sister is your acquaintance and that she introduced you to Islam?" He speaks more cautiously and slowly than ever.

"Yes" I gulp.

His face lights up like the sun.

"That's amazing MashaAllah!" Zayn exclaims, "She had the honor of helping someone to become Muslim, I'm incredibly proud of her!"

I stare at him as if he suddenly grew a third head.

That definitely wasn't the reaction I expected from someone coming from an ethnic culture.

But then, he frowns deeply and eyes me suspiciously.

"You didn't... Try anything fishy, did you?"

Yeah. That's more like the reaction I expected.

"No.." I reply. Not really. But I'd like to.

After we get married, it won't be fishy then right?

"Are you sure?"

"Yes.  We're coworkers. That's all." I answer, a little too fast.

He eyes me for another 10 seconds before finally clapping me on the back.

"You pass, bro!"

I might've passed Test 1, But it wasn't time for the finals yet.


"Come on Jennifer, I really don't think Dad will be against it!" I hiss at my dearest sister through the phone.

"I don't know Adam... I'm just scared..." she sounds more than a little worried, "When will you tell them?"

"Next week. At our usual dinner. You'll be there right?" I need someone to back me up, I think, laughing silently.

"Of course, do I ever miss our dinners?"

"See you then insha'Allah. Good luck"

"Adam, if you're gonna be using words that mom and dad never heard before, you better give them a dictionary first." she jokes.

"Hm, sounds like a good idea, why not?" I smirk.

Mom and Dad are pretty open-minded. I mean, mom always wanted us to find happiness and peace.  She might have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that her son is no longer Christian, I'm sure that fact will make her a bit sad, but she'll pretend as if nothing happened. She'll probably ask a few curious questions before smiling widely and telling me how happy she was for me.

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