Chapter 2 the painful truth

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Be prepared.

These two words echoed in Percy's mind. No one knows how long it had been when these two words start repeating themselves in his mind. They were on their way to Camp Half-blood.  

 Sally was the only one who was excited in the group of three, her cheerful talk falling on Percy and Dayna deaf ears, he chewed his secret stash of blue choco-chip cookies, grateful that Dayna's eyes were absorbed in the window, she had started hating Camp half-blood after the war, no one knows why, but her hatred was increasing day by day, so much that she couldn't stand there a minute longer. She really wanted to spend her so-called special day with their mother. Sally didn't know she hated Camp half-blood.

After a while they reached their destination, the car skidded to a halt. Percy moved out and shouted, "I am going to meet Annabeth."  grinning at the snoring snake-headed dragon with copper scales and yellow eyes, Disappearing into the forest.

He walked towards the Athena Cabin. Only one hour was left for the clock to strike at twelve. 

"I love you."

He stopped when he that heard a voice, he instantly knew who it belonged he broke into a run. What he saw wasn't pleasant at all.

Annabeth was there but instead of telling I love you to a sister or a brother she was saying those words to a camper which Percy hated the most. Noah leaned in and kissed Annabeth, "we will be together soon, you just break with that insane and evil guy." 


All the gods were there. Some for a party, some for food and some for just there because someone forced them. The whole camp was decorated, a feast was also there. It was a cloudy night, the wind was causing trees to rustle loudly. Power floated in the air.

So, basically, it was an odd night. 

Dayna avoided everyone except Chiron after the war everyone had started hating them, so they all practically ditched them. Percy being loyal and blind still loved them.

Where is he by the way?

Dayna soundlessly slipped in the path that only a few of the campers knew, it led to the dark, dense wood, where she had last seen her brother vanish.

Her eyes were searching for any sign of her dull-witted brother, but before she could proceed further, she heard a voice she least wanted to hear at that time.

"Being the sister of hero of Olympus doesn't give you a ticket for the forest."

Dayna turned around at her normal speed, to not raise any suspicion. "You  are also here Clarisse."She wanted to bang her head against the bark of the tree, for being so careless.

"I came here when  I saw you going towards the forest" her dark pig eyes squinted in the dark which was a change from the lighted dining pavilion, unlike the daughter of Ares, Dayna had no problem seeing in the dark, in fact, the things got even clearer.

"I was..." "Dayna."

It was Percy, she was supposed to rescue him, but the table was turned, she turned into a damsel of distress. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. "Where were you?." 

"I was tired after the trip, so I was swimming to regain my energy." Something in his voice always lured girls to listen and even  Clarisse, who leaned towards them.

"You really are a fish" Clarisse sneered, the scar on her chin stretching, "always in the sea."Percy swung  his wet arm on his sister's shoulder. "and you are a wild boar always putting your nose in others' business others." Even Dayna had to admit that was a bit humiliating.

"You.."  She was interrupted."Come on, to the arena," Apollo shouted on top of his voice.

Clarisse shot the siblings a dirty look and jogged towards the dining pavilion. After she was gone, Dayna  faced her brother "why is your body so dry then?"

 "A nymph provided me a towel."

 Oh yeah, all the nymphs loved Percy a bit too much for his own good. He would get special treatment, which was getting occasional snacks from them, which was clearly against the rules. They would deliberately ignore other starving campers, sometimes Percy would take them, offer half to Dayna much to the nymph's annoyance she would eat it.

But that didn't explain his wet arm before she could interrogate any further Percy dragged her.


 Only a few minutes were left until midnight. Everyone was excited, accept Dayna and Percy. While Dayna looked with repugnance at every camper, Percy's eyes were blank. "Now let's start the countdown", Malcolm shouted. They were acting as if tomorrow was her real birthday.












Thunder roared, wind bellowed, the Earth was torn apart violently, tides clashed on the beach. Dayna glowed an eerie purple and she screamed in pain, Rachel's eyes turned green. Two signs appeared on Dayna's left-hand 's palm and wrist. Her hair got even more silkier and her eyes became more expressive, she grew few more inches now her height was 5'9. Basically even more beautiful than before.

A blue outlined Griffin appeared on her palm. On her wrist appeared an 'S' darker than darkest of black.

Dead people came out of the earth, they ignored Nico's attempts to go back. They spoke in unison "We are yours to command, daughter of Tartarus'. The oracle inside Rachel turned towards Dayna's direction. And said the prophecy for her whole life. Only Dayna could hear it.

Everyone was shocked and many had even fainted.

Dayna's face was pale white when she disappeared from the face of the earth.


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