Chapter 5 cure

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Nice to meet u all again enjoy!!!!!!

They were in Olympus throne room, everyone from the Camp half-blood was present there.
They all were scared but still present. They were not absentminded people that was sure. But it is not everyday a god's child is claimed as a primordial child. No one wanted to speak a word.

Chiron looked at his favorite student who was shocked like others, but composed. His eyes held a determinate gaze as if he knew what was going on and what had happened to his sister, they both were hiding something before the claiming happened.

Zeus cleared his throat "gods and demigods we all are shocked about what had happened a primordial had claimed a demigod not adopted but by blood." Sally sobbed even more harder, Hestia moved out of her place and hugged the sobbing mother. Chiron held back a small smile.It always would amuse him if someone interrupted Zeus.

Zeus cleared his throat again" most of you may not know what Primordials are. Primordials are the first race of immortals to come into existence, the majority of whom were born directly from the void of Chaos. Unlike the Titans and the gods, the Protogenoi or Primordials are essentially sentient aspects of the universe itself, and therefore, they cannot truly be killed. Even the power of Kronos's scythe and other weapons of immense power is ultimately only able to disperse their physical forms." If someone dropped a pin, the sound could be echoed.

"A hellfire is the most  dangerous fire which is found in Tartarus it could burn a soul..."many people gasped."of anyone including gods." No one dared to break the silence. "It could start a new life too if focused upon, the fire whose target was Sally Jackson was specialized in which I am not going deeper."

"So that makes Tartarus Dayna's father ", Athena said, her face held a calculating look."What about Percy how he was born three months later after Dayna's birth by no means, Dayna was born after nine months even after she was made from hellfire."

Apollo frowned,"Only a goddess can give birth in three months, could Percy also belong to some other, the goddesses must have implanted fake memories that Percy is Miss, Jackson 's son .

"No, Percy is my son," Poseidon growled.

"He has uncle's son he has his specks of sea green, but not to forget the ring of silver and black." Hemes observed.

Chiron looked at Percy who was now observing the pattern of tiles with great interest."Speak up, Percy." Percy moved his eyes to his mentor and nodded. But before he could speak up, Drew stood out exposed him.

"My lord, I need to tell you something." Zeus nodded " go ahead."

Drew started."They were getting more powerful since last two months" Percy gritted his teeth as the betrayer continued, Zeus raised an eyebrow, " They could control other elements too..."

 Percy couln't lie it will be caught by Apollo On the cue he summoned a ball of fire and blasted it upwards and shot a jet of water, without any source towards the fire it was extinguished. He summoned wind and lightning together and the ground shook."Um... that's it. happy at his poor excuse of presentation. Sally had fainted along with few demigods, Zeus looked as if he was deciding to sent Percy to his sister's father or not. Ares was grinning sharpening his sword. Percy starred at the gates wondering how much time it would take him to get out of here.

"Well, he could be the son of Tartarus too."Athena said ignoring Poseidon's heart broken wails ."His eyes should be amethyst then."

"There are more primordial gods, and goddesses, don't forget that" Hephaestus said."we should wait three months for determining his fate," everyone looked at Hephaestus, "maybe what we thought their birthday was not their real birthday."

"But the prophecy..."

"Yes Percy is sixteen, but his sister was too and she was older than him, but still the prophercy acted on Percy not on Dayna " Everyone turned towards Poseidon, " A voice told me to choose today to celebrate Dayna's birthday.." he said weakly.

Hephaestus had stated it.

"It means that today was Dayna's real birthday, and Percy is a demi-primordial because no one has power except them to control fates, after three months Percy's real birthday would come too." At the age of sixteen all the Primordials claim their children.

This time the Earth shook,"no one is hurting my son, anyone who hurt him shall face the wrath of the sea"Poseidon bellowed before flashing away.

Chiron sighed it deeply must be tough for him to loose his other child.

"You, are dismissed, young demigod"Zeus said before flashing away. Every god and goddesses followed him. Hestia flashed with the fainted women in her arms.

Percy stood there awkwardly. The demigods stared him with wonder, "demigods, we should go back" Chiron said. They all headed towards the giant doors.


Things were not normal in the camp half blood which was normal now, everyone was waiting for the birthday of the hero to determine where he belonged with Olympians or with primordials.

He avoided Annabeths hateful glances, but he did not regretted what he had done to his new boyfriend.

The said hero was looking at the Poseidon's table wondering where he should sit on the bench or on the ground, the bench was better option.

He sipped his extra large coke which was offered him by a nymph,  waiting for his birthday. Which will set his faith.


Weeks flew by, now only two days were left.

 Anxiety was in the air. Everyone was stealing glances at Percy who was now even more stronger than before, he was getting stronger in everything. The team in which Percy was would d definitely win, no one dared to challenge the son of Poseidon now even Clarisse never approached Percy. His sword fighting skills were better he could defeat the most experienced warriors in a blink of an eye .He could now almost control everything even Earth was bent on his control. It was clear that he was a primordial child, which one, they will know in two days time.

The hatred increased too.

How Percy was a primordial child was still a doubt, but they will know. Sally and Poseidon had locked themselves in their respective homes still suffering from loss of their daughter.

Two days to be claimed.


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