chapter 12 real parents

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This chapter is dedicated to @THEBOSS56789
Thank you!!!!!  For adding me in your reading list.

Cupid looked at the two  demi -primordial children and mentally groaned.

He should have let Tartarus  take the opportunity to train them first, but his heart had melted seeing those beautiful children, Tartarus would expect nothing less from his children, he would train them until they mastered everything, forgetting their emotional health which was more important.

But now, he was very sure they would remain same even after spending a hundred years in Tartarus. It has only been one week and they had caused havoc.

His mind drifted towards their first  conservation.

Cupid calmed his mind after seeing those children. They were innocent... they knew nothing about the world... he will tell them everything he knew about emotions and love ... and besides these two there were more to come...

He glanced at Percy and then Delia, seeing their confused and  shocked looks he let his wings go free, they gasped as his large, snowy white wings conforming their thoughts, he gave them an arrogant smirk, he ignored Delia for a while and turned his head at Percy and said "you have grown a lot since the last time I saw you."

"When was that last time?"

"It took me thirty-two years to reach Earth, it looks like my time was not wasted."

"To reach Earth, what do you mean by that?" Delia asked.

"Nice observation, you have got your father's should not get angry he is your father."

  Delia eyes flashed, but she said nothing about it. Smart girl.

"You were born because of hellfire just like Percy, it looks like he had informed you about this." they both nodded. "It is a complicated process, yes god think that hellfire is the most powerful fire but they are wrong, there are a few more, hellfire could destroy gods, removing their souls from existence, but it could also make a new life, but only four times, I am not sure about a fifth time."

They both looked like they were trying hard not to smile, about a god not sure about things was amusing . Cupid ignored them and continued," no god have power to do this, primordial gods are the only ones that have power. Primordial gods just need to aim this fire at that person. They have the same gender as the god or not, it does not matter..."Cupid stopped, Delia was fascinated by the pattern of clouds Percy had the courtesy to look confused.

In their point of view, it looked like he was babbling about love, people like to think that he only talked about love took a deep breath," okay... Let's take your example," immediately. they both straightened to the point then..." Tartarus had mixed his blood with the fire and send it on the land he did not called the hellfire back, so Sally became pregnant, Tartarus did this so you won't be suspected because you were too powerful for your own good, because you were Poseidon's child you had passed , safe for sixteen years as soon you reached sixteen your powers made them self-known, and it is not even beginning.Sally is not your mother; you were made from hellfire, she just carried you for ninth months, you belong to Tartarus he gave his blood, he is your real parent."

Delia looked quite horrified so he stopped, he didn't want her to faint. He was spending so much time on them, but he looked at them as if they were his own children, he saw them along with other primordial gods and he had to agree that they were cute. Percy looked quite pale, "your mother Chaos also did the same thing, but she called the hellfire, making her pregnant with you, goddess pregnancy is only three months as soon as you were born, she sent you to Earth with me, created fake memories about Sally being pregnant with you, blocked her mind about thinking further about how you are possible..."

"What caused them to do this?Why they did not chose us to raise her. They would had told mom that we are not her and Poseidon children." Delia demanded. He could sense a earthquake nearby. She was quite powerful to cause earthquake here.

Percy looked quite calm compared to his sister, but he could sense waves of anger coming from him. "They wanted to raise you very much, but they were forced as they could not risk your safety. Poseidon was the best option considering he was dating your mother. No one would frown about your powers."

"Why not before why now, Zeus was a better option, Hades was a better option, these three were dating for ages why now then?"

These two were very clever. Cupid turned his back, facing the sea he said "they felt quite alone."

It was true he couldn't risk telling them truth. They would hate them.

His words worked, they calmed.

A bit. The fire inside them still raging, begging to be out, it was not calmed. If they came to know that Chaos had also blocked their mind. They would not forgive them, they had played with emotions of love, Cupid could not even forgive himself for participating in this plan. He had revealed too much. He should stop now.

He had to explain them everything soon, otherwise the primordial gods were gone. " Are there more like us? Cupid left the question unanswered and said " follow me." 

Cupid came back into reality when he heard a loud crash and Delia calling him. Cupid groaned.

They simply failed to understand romance. He had mistaken them for being innocent. He took them for a while so he could teach them how to understand love, but he should have let Tartarus take them first.

What had they done now?

Cupid's jaw dropped when he saw the scene before him. His favourite harp was on the ground, it's string damaged the golden wood was covered with scratches. "My beautiful harp!" He cried. He ran towards it waving his hand in odd directions. He fell on his knees and held the broken pieces of his harp. He glared at the two people who were responsible for his broken harp. "Have you Lost your damn mind, this harp was my favourite!" He yelled, his demonic blood red eyes made no effect on them.

"You could repair it." Percy calmly stated the fact.

Cupid stopped bawling, Yes he could repair it.

"You did not noticed what is beside you."

He moved his gaze towards other direction and gasped. The statue of his beautiful wife Psyche was also broken, he had made it himself on her birthday.

"We threw it after the harp, you did not not noticed it even, and you told us that your beloved wife things come before your things even before your harp and you let Physics statue drop yourself." Percy  said.

His wife statue could not be repaired. "Her name is Psyche." He said bewildered. She would kill him.

"You could call her that too." Perseus murmured.

"What was that sound, honey ?"Psyche called out for him.

"Percy, let's go and finish that model." It looked like Percy did not needed to be convinced, they turned to go, but stopped as son of Ares cried. "You can't leave me alone, you caused this mess!." "We were testing."Delia answered, and then disappeared along with Perseus in the cherry trees. His wife loved the statue he was gone.

Cupid banged his head against the ground.

I finished this chapter just now, thank you for reads, but please vote.

Thank you


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