Chapter 21 passed

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Disclaimer: This chapter contain abuse and gore. Not ideal for children and for faint- hearted.

You might feel uncomfortable reading some scenes. Tread carefully. You have been warned.Sorry to make you all wait for so long, I had been very tired and disturbed these few months, I use murders I commit in my book to release my anger and frustrations. You all will be seeing many in upcoming chapters.

Now on with the story.


Kai couldn't decide whether to fight with shadows or bare hands, but now she ws just few feets away from him, adrenaline kicked in he summoned the shadows, as Tartarus have instructed him to do in one of the sessions, the shadow wrapped around her snake-like body like black octopus tendrils, suffocating her, she hissed, just like a snake in rage, the shadows tightened their iron grip on her green scaly skin, she howled in pain, her reptilian face turning brown and green with rage. He threw his knife at her, the knife bounced from her scaly skin and fell on the ground, clattering. Kai cursed his stupidity.

Echidna took advantage of his distraction, her tail broke free and slapped him hard, the air was knocked from his lungs, he fell on the ground several feet away from where he was standing before, the black glass dug in his skin, causing the area to split open and start bleeding.

It didn't cause pain, he had gotten used to it. All of a sudden he remembered something. Hera had told him that she had driven Dionysus insane to the point he had to go to Zeus to be cured.

Kai focused at the snake-like women in front of him, who was in the clutches of shadows again. She was already mad in anger. He was Hera's son and he was very good at making his mother angry, just like her.

"Your green skin is very ugly, no one why your husband hates you so much."

It wasn't a good start but it worked.

She roared, Kai's next action surprised him, He summoned more shadows, and directed it inside her mouth. Her red slit eyes widened. In minutes, she dropped dead.

Well, killing her was really easy. He didn't feel happy or proud of himself as he should have. Then he realized something.

He had just committed his first murder.

He wanted to forget that he had murdered someone, it was a monster, but it was still a life...

He shook his head. She will get reincarnated and he will soon get used to it. He kneeled down to pick his knife, now the question was how will he peel out her eyes. He had to do it fast before she...

He scooted closer to her, he pulled out gloves Tartarus have given to him, they were made up Cyclopes skin, grateful for the first time, he begins his work. He cut the corners of her red slit eyes deep, ichor trails soon appeared at the corner of her eyes, making her look even more horrific than before, Kai took a deep breath and gathered his courage, he was never interested in cutting people or in blood.

Why in the name of Hades did Tartarus need her eyes?.

Like a professional doctor, he tenderly peeled the hairless eyebrows. Red lifeless eyes met crimson red. He was not frightened this time.


It was an ugly picture, Kai once again took a deep breath and gouge her eyes out. He pulled out the small sac Tartarus had given him along with the gloves and dropped the eyes into it, without looking back he broke into a run.


Tartarus palace, their current residence was on his heart, he knew the whole map pf Tartarus like the back of his hand, so it didn't take much time to find it.

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