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Hi! My name is Summer Good, I'm Ariana Grande's best friend! I'm a singer-songwriter and I go on tour with my bestie. Btw I'm 18 years old and I live in America.

Hiyaa, I'm Ariana Grande! You probably already know me, but here's still an introduction. I'm 21 years old and I'm a singer. I'm working on my second album now, called 'My everything'. I'm going on world tour, with Summer, soon and I'm very excited! Btw I'm not single anymore, my boyfriend is called Jai Brooks and I love him so much!

Hey, we're 5 Seconds of Summer! Yeah the band from Australia. this are the members:

Calum Hood: I'm 18 and I'm the bassist of the band. I also sing tho. People think I'm Asian, but I am not and I don't like it when people call me like that.

Luke Hemmings: I just turned 18! I'm the leadsinger of the band. I also play guitar. I've got a lipring and people think that's hot? Well thank you!

Ashton Irwin: I'm 20 now. People see me like the dad of the band, but I don't. I'm the drummer and I sing. I love ponies and people say I sound like a kangaroo, because I have an Australian accent, I like that!

Michael Clifford: I'm 19 and I play guitar and sing. People think I'm weird and scary because of my hair, but I'm actually very nice! I don't show that tho.


Okay, idk if this book will be good but idc.

I'm also writing another fanfic with my two friends, it's called 'Unexpected' and you can find it on 5sosislerfx .

I'm dutch so there can be things wrong and I hope you don't mind.

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I'm gonna post when I want, soo sometimes 2 times a day, then 1 time and also sometimes not.

I hope you're gonna enjoy it!

xx - Sana

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