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Today was the day of our first practice. Me and Ariana were on our way to the building where we're gonna practice. " Soo, when's your date with Cal? " Ariana said with a sneaky smile. " Umm, he said he wanted to do something after practise today so I think that's when our date is. " I answered. Ariana's eyes became bigger " SO YOU'RE GOING LIKE THIS? " She yelled. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a white top and low black converses. " I guess, there's nothing wrong with this, I think. " Ariana just looked at me with a confused face. " You look cute, but it's your first date with him so I thought you might wanted to dress up more. " She said " But you can go like this too, it's awesome. " " Well okay then ... " I said. " We're here! " The driver said. We both stepped out of the car and went inside the building. We had to walk trough a big hall. " I'm exhausted, just by walking through this hall, oh my god. " I said while huffing and puffing. " Ugh, you're so lazy. " Ariana said laughing. " Uhm excuse me. " I said. " But that's one thing why I love you. " She added and gave me a hug. " I love you Ari. " I said and gave her a kiss on her cheek. " Okay where's the practice room? " I asked. " I think it's through the door over there! " Ariana pointed to a door on the left side. " Okay. " I walked towards the door and opened it. " Uhm Ariana.... " She looked at me " What? " " This is the bathroom. " I said laughing. " Oh my god, I'm sorry! Hahaha " Then I looked up and saw there were signs hanging on the wall. " Maybe we should follow these? " I said pointing to the signs. " Oh, yeah I think that's better. " Ariana giggled.

We finally found the room after 15 minutes of searching. We entered and saw the boys sitting on the ground. They didn't look very happy. " OH MY GOD WE FOUND IT ! " I said with the happiest voice a girl like me could have. " YAAAY! " Ariana cheered with me. " Where have you been? " Luke asked while walking up to us. " We couldn't find the room, sorry. " I answered with an inoccent voice. " Oh okay, well we're ready to start practicing! " Michael yelled. " What song do you wanna hear? " Calum asked, with his eyes on me. " Uhh ... What I like about you? " I answered. " Okay. " He said and winked at me. HOLY FUCK HE WINKED AT ME. I felt the butterflies in my stomache. Then they started. When they were done me and Ariana just clapped and cheered. " By the way, Summer? " Ashton asked. " Yea? " I replied. " What song are you gonna sing? " OMG I didn't even have a song for myself. What should I do?!? " Well ... I don't have one yet. " I said " I'm thinking about writing a new one but I don't have inspiration at the moment. " Ashton nodded. I saw Calum just smiling and he walked up to me. " You look beautiful. " He said. " Oh thanks, you too. " He was wearing a FOB shirt with his signature skinny jeans and vans. Our clothes went well together. " We're going to eat something after practice, okay? " He asked. " Okay. " I answered. We all just sang a little more and Ariana gave us a special performance, she sang some of her new songs from My Everything. They are litteraly perfection. I wrote the song called ' You don't know me ' and I'm soooo proud of it! " Okay, my mom called and I gotta go home and eat dinner with her, so practice is over! " Luke said. " Awwe your mommy called! " Michael said with s baby voice. " Stop it! " Luke said with a laugh. " Okay I gotta go too, so see you guys later! " Ariana said and looked at me with a smile that said something like ' Have fun with Calum'. I just laughed at her and said goodbye to everyone. " So what do you wanna do? " I asked Calum. " I was thinking going to the McDonalds. " I nodded. We walked out of the building and I saw a motorcycle standing there. HE DRIVES A MOTHERFUCKIN MOTERCYCLE CAN HE EVEN GET HOTTER?! " Is that yours? Oh my fucking god! " I yelled. " Yeah, you like it? " He said with his hand on his head, like a cute little boy. " Like it? Like it?!? I LOVE IT! " I kept yelling with a big smile on my face. " Oh thans hahah " He said. Then he sat down and told me to sit too. We drove to the McDonalds and we both had a hamburger and a milkshake. " That was delicious! Don't you think? " He said. " Oh yea, I can eat three meals like this for sure! " I giggled. " Aww your giggle is so cute! " He said to me with a smile that made my heart melt. " Uhm, thanks " I said with a shy voice. I was blushing. " Wanna go to my place? " He asked. " Yeah sure, let's go! " I answered and we drove to his place.

He got a big appartment for himself, for when he wasn't with the boys. It was beautiful! It looked awesome, oh my! " Well this is my place. " He said, walking in with his arms wide open. " Wow. " Was all I could say. " You like it? " He asked. " HELL YEAH! " I said. " Aw you look adorable when you're excited like that! " He looked at me. " I just smiled. Then he started walking up to me and grabbed me by my hips. I grabbed him by his neck and our faces were inches apart from eachother. We looked in eachothers eyes and Calum asked: " Can I kiss you? " He sounded so cute! " Ofcourse you can! " I said and grabbed his face. We kissed, for a looong time. Then he started to push me against the wall. He went fast but I liked it. His hands going all over my body and mine all over his. It felt amazing. But suddenly he started to pull my shirt up. " Umm what are you doing Cal? " I asked. " I think you know ... " He answered, still with his hands on my body. " Are you forreal? " I asked. He looked at me with a weird face " I thought you wanted it. " " OH AND WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT? " I yelled angry. " Uhm ... " He didn't know what to say. " YEAH YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE OTHER GUYS, BYE CALUM. " I yelled while walking out of his house and slamming the door. I called a cab to bring me back to the hotel. I had tears all over my face when I arrived at our suite. " Honey what's wrong? " Ariana asked when she saw me. Then I explained everything to her.



Sorry for being inactive

But I'm very busy with school and stuff

Lol I hope you liked this

K byee

Xx Sana ❤️

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