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{ A/N This is how Nikki tells what happened, so yah }

Well at first we went to my house with a cab to get my pennyboard. While we were there we talked much and he got to know me better. I was still fucking shocked, because I really was talking with the one and only Luke Hemmings, the boy of my dreams. But back to the story. We went to my house, a little appartement in the citycentre, and went inside. He said he was thirsty so we stayed a little longer and just drank and laughed for half an hour. After that we went skating. We skated around the block & he complimented my skating. It made me blush.

After a while, a journalist saw us and took pictures. After a minute or five he came after us, but Luke just grabbed my arm and looked at me with a smile that said I should go with him. He skated a little faster and I went with him. " We're not gonna let the press get us ! " He said as he laughed like an eight year old kid. Aw he's so cute sometimes. " Haha okay! " I said as I skated faster. We saw the journalist run after us yelling " Wait! I gotta ask you questions! " Me and Luke just laughed as we skated further. " Is that your girlfriend? Are you just friends ? Who is it? " He asked. Ugh I wish I was his girlfriend. " That's none of your business! " Luke yelled back as he stepped off of his board, grabbed me and ran into a small and dark alley. " Follow me! " He said. I nodded and we ran further into the alley. " Where are we going ?!? " I asked afraid, cause it was pretty dark in there and I don't really like small dark places. " I come here everytime stupid paps try to chase me. They are so stupid. " I laughed as we ran further. We took a turn to the right and there was a dead end. He looked at me and turned towards the wall. I looked at the wall with my eyes wide open. " We're not gonna - " " Yea we are. " He interrupted me. " ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!? IM NOT SPIDERMAN, I CANT CLIMB WALLS! " I yelled. " Yo calm down, there's a ladder here. It's long enough for us to get to that window. " He answered. Ugh I hate climbing. " Can't I just walk out this alley or something? " I asked. " No you're going with me! Ladies first. " He said as he put the ladder against the wall. " Ugh okay, just for you. " I climbed up the ladder towards the window and Luke followed me. " Now put your hands on the side of the window and pull yourself inside. " I nodded and started pulling myself inside. I only had my upperbody inside and couldn't get in by myself. " Please help meeee ! " I said scared. " Okay, wait a sec. " He answered as he climbed up towards me and helped me by pushing my butt. " That hurt! " I said laughing when I was inside. " I'm sorryy, but get out of the way I gotta come in too, y'know. " I laughed and stepped to the side. He came in and looked with a bright smile at me. We looked in eachothers eyes and shared a moment. Then I realised I actually had to ask something. " But where are we right now? " I asked. " Oh yeah, wait! " e walked away, I couldn't see where he was going cuz it was still dark as fuck. " One, two, three " Is what I heard when suddenly the lights turned on. I looked around and saw we were in a big ass colorfull room. The walls were green and the floor was blue. There was a couch, TV + playstation, a bed, a fridge and more stuff people can't live without. " What is all this? " I asked with a big smile on my face. " This is the 5sos' anti pap room. We hang here when we don't want paparazzi cuz they don't know about this place. " He answered. " That's smart! But what you wanna do now? " He didn't answer but went to the fridge to get 2 cokes and sat down on the couch. " Come sit! " He said. I sat next to him and he turned on the tv. The simpsons was on. " HOLY SHIT I LOVE THE SIMPSONS " I yelled. " SAME! " He yelled back.

So we hanged around some more and then he brought me home. " This was really nice! We should do this more often. " He said when we were standing at my frontdoor. " Yea we should! " I answered and threw my arms around him. He hugged back. Holy shit his hugs are the best! He pulled back saying he gotta go and turned around. " Okay bye! " I said " But only one more thing. " He turned back asking what. I gave him a kiss on his cheek. " I hope you don't mind that! " He turned red. So cute! " Okay now go! " I said laughing. " Oh ... Uh ... Yea ... Bye! " He said as he turned away and went home. THIS WAS THE BEST FUCKING DAY OF MY LIFE!



Haven't updated in a looooong time lmao

It's kinda short but idc

Also people probably didn't notice I haven't updated cuz nobody reads this shit lmao

Well byeee

Xx Sana

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