Chapter 5: A Future Unknown

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The word confused Ford, "What the heck is that? Sounds like a some knock off brand of children's glue....."

"I'll have you know that Globnar is an ancient gladiatorial form of combat that has been played for thousands of generations, our people battle to the death for a chance to get a time wish," Blendin says,

Ford was already quite fed up with all this future talk. He was not a religious man who believed in miracles and wishes. He saw hard work and dedication as the key to success. But at the same time, he was ready to grasp any chance to give Mabel a second chance to live. Even if the opportunity was not one he had total faith in, he had to give it a try, for Mabel's sake.

"What do we have to do to partake in this event? and how do we win it?"

Blendin looked Ford dead in the eyes, "you first have to break a time rule and invoke it," he explained.

With the pull of the time tape, Blendin, Dipper and Ford are cast into the future, and into the year of 207̃012. Ford is awe struck at the architecture of the future, it resonates the feel of many sci-fi movies he and Stan used to watch and yet many of the problems of their time from poverty, pollution and crime still existed. However, he didn't have time to focus on either of these things, the only thing that mattered to him was Mabel.

"Alright so explain to me again what we have to do," whispered Ford cautiously.

"Okay so Globnar can only be invoked by people who have committed a time crime, all you gotta do is break a time rule and invoke it an...and you should be good to go," stammered Blendin.

Dipper and Ford look around, Ford then spots a Time Anomaly agent roaming the streets, "I got an idea, Dipper follow my lead okay?" Ford led.

Dipper watches on as Ford approaches the agent from behind, "Excuse me sir?"

Before the agent can respond, Ford punched him in the face, "Run Dipper," he ordered as the agent began to chase the two of them.

The two raced down the streets of the city, jumping over boxes, running through ally's and scaling buildings as an ever-growing force of time agents chased after them.

Eventually the two reached a dead end, helicopters and a small army of agents soon surround them.

The agent Ford punched soon approached them, "You're surrounded by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron. Anything you say can and already has been used against you in future court, any last words?" he asked as he pulled out his handcuffs.

Ford stood up and approached the agent. The other agents around him draw their weapons, ready to shoot Ford if he makes any sudden moves, "Yes, in fact I do. I invoke...Globnar,"

A loud gasp roars through the crowd of agents, "Very well then," the agent agrees.

Ford and Dipper are handcuffed and escorted to a waiting helicopter. The two are then whisked away to the Globnar stadium.

To Be Continued....

To Be Continued

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