Chapter 8: There's Always Next Summer

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August 31st, 2012

"Mabel, where are you?" Dipper called from the front of the shack. "It's time to cut the cake!"

"Coming!" Mabel turned back to Ford. "After we cut the birthday cake, you should ask him. You'll feel better if you just get it over with."

"Yes, you're right. After you cut the cake, I'll ask him!" Ford said with determination.

"That's the spirit, Grunkle Ford!"

"Alright, missy, we better get going."

"Yes, my public awaits!" Mabel said as she put her arm around her forehead in a dramatic pose.

Ford chuckled. His niece never failed to bring a smile to his face. Deep down he wished he had gotten to spend more time with her. But he supposed there was always next summer.

They all sang happy birthday to the twins. As they began to open their presents, Ford decided now was his chance.

"Stanley, I need to talk to you." Ford lead Stan behind the Mystery Shack. Ford notices Stan was crossing his arms and frowning. It broke his heart that Stan thought any private conversation with him would be negative, but he hoped he would give him a chance.

"I didn't wanna say anything with everyone listening but we have a problem. Weirdmageddon has been contained but I'm detecting some strange new anomalies near the Arctic Ocean. I want to investigate it, but I think I might be too old to go it alone."

Stan's heart skipped a beat. Was For really asking...?" Are you saying you need someone to help you sail around the world in the adventure of a lifetime?"

"I don't just want someone to come with me Stanley, I want it to be you," Ford pulled out an old Polaroid photograph of the two of them as children, shirtless and sunburnt on the Jersey shore on board their beloved Stan O' War. "Will you give me a second chance?"

Stan could not believe it. After all those years of hoping from dimension to dimension, Ford had held onto and treasured this photo. It may have been faded and seen better days, but it still remained, symbolizing its powerful message. Despite everything, Ford always remembered him.

"You think we'll find treasure? And babes?"

Ford grinned. He knew what this meant. It was his brother's way of saying yes. It had taken him a long time to admit it, but he longed for those crazy, carefree adventures with his beloved brother more than any scientific praise. He was finally able to take the leap and earn his brother's forgiveness and friendship once more.

Their conversation was then interrupted, by the sound of an approaching car. Stan looked down the driveway and saw a maroon minivan approaching. The license plate was from California. He soon caught a glimpse of who was driving it.

"What they heck? What are those two doing here," Stan said?

"Who," said Ford.

Before Stan could answer, Dipper and Mabel came, bounding in with huge grins on their faces.

"I heard a car coming up the driveway! Mom and Dad told us they were gonna try to make it down for the party. Is it them?" Mabel asked excitedly.

Stan and Ford looked down at the twins confused, "How long did you know this, and when were you gonna tell us," Stan asked.

"Oh, since last night," says Dipper

"We were gonna tell you, but, we got a bit excited with the party and stuff," says Mabel.

"Huh, you two really are the biggest nuisance I've had all summer," Stan says cheerfully.

Dipper and Mabel start to laugh, "Well I'm sure you'll start missing that real soon Grunkle Stan," Mabel said.

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