Chapter 6: For Mabel

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Dipper and Ford are taken to a holding cell as they wait for their turn to partake in the event.

"Well that went smoother then I had anticipated," said Ford confidently.

"Speak for yourself, these handcuffs hurt," complained Dipper

Blendin approached the two of them, "I think I should let you both know that the rules here have changed a bit, you no longer are allowed to pick your rival in the games, that is decided at random by Time Baby," he states.

"Hang on, this is all run by Time Baby?" Ford asked nervously. In his 30 years of interdimensional travel, he had come to learn of Time Baby as a powerful being who controlled time in the universe. He had known about him, but he had never encountered him in person.

"He runs pretty much everything here, school children learn who he is before they're even able to walk," Blendin explains.

Two guards arrive to escort Dipper and Ford to the arena, "hey, I hope you two win, for Mabel," says Blendin with a small smile.

Ford smiles back at him, this man who he had only a few hours earlier thought of as an enemy whom he was prepared to shoot was now giving him a chance to save his daughter.

He remembered back to the night they had lost her as him and Dipper were escorted, Stan had held onto her up until the morticians led her lifeless body out the door on the gurney. The drive back to Gravity Falls was the most somber experience he had ever been through.

Driving through the city of Portland as their small convoy headed towards the small town left Ford with both sadness and anger at the world. Humanity could build such tall buildings, pave miles of road, create machines that could fly through the skies, and yet as they drove down the streets, not a single person showed even the slightest of sympathy.

"Did a little girl's loss mean nothing to this world?" Ford thought as they drove. It was not until they returned to Gravity Falls that his question received a definitive answer.

The whole town had gathered around the shack to be there for them. The kindness of the people of Gravity Falls never failed to surprise Ford. As a young scientist who came to investigate the town's strange anomalies, getting to know the locals had been the last thing on his mind. And yet, throughout it all, the people of this small town had ended up being the most incredible discovery he could ever have made, their compassion and support had helped his wounded family deal with many difficult events.

When the twins lost their parents, the town came together to support and give he and Stan advice on how to help the twins, while also learning to be parents themselves, when Brad terrorized them and burned their home to the ground, everyone came to help in anyway they could, from Tad Strange offering free therapy sessions to Soos and Abuelita opening their home up again for them to stay in as they prepared for the trial.

And they did once again when they lost her. Mabel had touched everyone's life in this small town in some way. Her funeral was so big that the church needed to make outdoor accommodations to fit everyone. So many people donated to help the family out that Stan did not have to struggle with funeral costs later on and the remaining money ended up being donated to the research firm in Australia that Ford had hoped they could have gotten Mabel to. If even one life could be saved by that experimental treatment, Mabel's death would not have been in vain.

The thoughts kept going until Ford was shaken back from his senses by Dipper, "Grunkle Ford we're here," he said.

Ford looked out at the stadium, thousands of spectators filled the seats, they cheered and screamed. He watched as the previous match drew to a close and the victor took his time wish.

"It is done," came a loud commanding voice, Ford looked over and saw him, Time Baby.

The guards removed Dipper and Ford's cuffs and escort them into the arena, the crowd around them cheered, screamed and some even booed. The were escorted right up in front of Time Baby.

"Welcome Globnar tributes, I have a very important nap to get to so I want this game done as fast as possible," he bellowed.

A robot approached them, "Time Baby has already at random picked your rival, you will have until he completes this hourglass of cosmic sand to complete the games," he says.

"Now bring out the second contestant, notorious Time Pirate, Dos Hunthou," ordered Time Baby.

Ford and Dipper watch as a tall, muscular man is brought out into the arena. He was many times stronger looking then Ford and his tattoo covered body sent a chill down Dipper's spine.

"Greetings, I see that out paths have intersected here. I wish you the best of luck but if I can be brutally honest, Globnar is not a game that people like you should even be taking part in," Dos said intimidatingly.

Ford already did not like this guy, he could see the fear in Dipper's eyes just being near him. He approached the boy and looked at him, "you feeling okay son," he asked gently.

"I don't, I don't know if we even have a chance at this but...but I know if it was me who's life was at stake, Mabel would risk it all for me," he said determined.

Ford gave him a pat on the back, "lets, do this, for Mabel," he said determined, "for Mabel," Dipper replied seriously.

The robot pops the hourglass bottle into Time Baby's mouth, and with that, the ancient game of Globnar gets underway.

To Be Continued....

To Be Continued

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