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The first thing I notice about Harrys dressing room is the smell.
I try my best to not think about how good it smells, but it's something husky and has a hint of cinnamon and it's so familiar, yet foreign.

Freddie leads me over to the brown leather sofa and for a moment I'm ashamed that my six year old son has more confidence than me. No more hiding, I promise. I'm acting with less confidence than my six year old son.
Guess I've reached a new low.

Just as I'm congratulating myself on my achievement Freddie springs out of my lap and starts running laps of the dressing room, and what the heck?

"Freddie... what are you doing?" I think my son has finally lost his marbles.

"I'm warming up Daddy, so when Harry comes back I can be less shy!" He says, like it's the most obvious this in the world, maybe it's a little late- he only usually gets like this when he's over tired.

"Come on Daddy! Bet you can't run as fast as me!" He teases in a sing song voice and if you know me, you know I'm way too competitive for my own good, so somewhere in me I decide that it's a good idea to get up and start chasing him round.
I blame it on the stress.
He lets out a high pitched shriek when I do, and starts giggling like a maniac.

We run round and round until we're both laughing too hard to breathe and he trips, rolling into the floor. I take the opportunity to dive in, picking him up by his ankles and swinging him ever so slightly.

This sends him into another hysterical laughing fit- one that I can't help but join in with- and we're both laughing like lunatics when something catches my eye from the corner of the room. Or rather someONE.

Harry's stood by the doorway grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and I shriek slightly at the surprise of him being there.

I set Freddie down quickly and fumble to get us presentable which is easier said than done when you're under pressure. I'm scrambling forward to pick up my phone that's somehow slipped out of my pocket in all of this when the world starts falling up to my face.

Just before the ground hits my face though a pair of strong, big hands grasp around my torso and set me back on my feet.

I am mortified to say the least, and if I wasn't already red enough from running, I blush so hard, I'm almost certain that it reaches my toes.

I dare to look up at Harry, who just saved me from falling face-first into the floor, and he smiles widely down at me.

"You ok?" He asks, voice strained though trying not to laugh.
I just roll my eyes and huff in return.

"You two seem to be having a lot of fun then?" Harry says, directing the question to Freddie before looking back up at me and quirking an eyebrow.

"It was Daddies fault! He chased me  annnnd he put me upslide down!" Freddie tells Harry, no differently to when he tattle tales on people at school.

I gasp "Freddie Reign Tomlinson, this has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with your plan. Oh and it's ups-i-d-e-down not upslide down little one."

He huffs and mutters something along the lines of "Daddy is a meany" and goes off to slump into the sofa, probably spent from having such a long day.

"You've got quite a lot to handle there haven't you?" Harry says with a sparkle in his eye

"Yeh he has quite the personality, and an unlimited energy store it seems. He never sits still for more than half of a second"

"Nope I never will! Even when Daddy says I'm being a little brat, I never sit still." Freddie interjects proudly.

"You don't have to sound quite so proud about that..." I trail off, sighing in exasperation when I realise he isn't listening to a word I say. This child i. swear.

Harry goes over to the table of food in the corner of his room and opens a packet of haribo, popping a cherry into his mouth, they're my absolute all time favourite and I'm dying for one, but I keep quiet as I'm not sure where I stand with Harry at the moment.

"Ooooh, can I have one please Harry? And Daddy? They're his favourite and his best." Freddie says

"Sure you can buddy, which would you like?"

"Can I have a cola bottle please? And Daddy needs a cherry one, he always eats them all from the packet Harry! He's greedy. He tells me if I eat lots then I'll get a fat tummy but then he eats all of the cherries. He must be fat then." Freddie says matter-of-factly with no idea about how completely mortifying that was for me.
This child will be the death of my one day.

"There you go" Harry says as he hands Freddie a few cola bottles, before quirking an eyebrow and turning to me.
"Im afraid the cherries are also my favourites. We'll have to share"

"Oh no" Freddie says gravely and I snap my head to him to check everything's alright "Daddy does not do sharing with cherry sweets, you'll have to lock them away so he can't get any"

I fight back a blush, determined to appear slightly more put together, and then move to sit next to Freddie on the sofa and pinch his sides.
He giggles and squirms away from me.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop being cheeky Daddy" he giggles out and I still my movements, deciding this is probably the best response I'll get from him right now.
Harry decides to fill the silence.

"So, Freddie, what was you're favourite song?"

"Kiwi is always my best and my favourite but I also love History and If I could fly but you didn't sing If I could fly tonight and that's sad."

"Awww I'm sorry little man, maybe I can make up for it yeh?" Harry says, and I look up at him questioningly. "I'll be back in a second yeh, you just wait here for me"

With that Harry leaves the room.

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