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I wake up slowly, light already pooling brightly at the end of the bed.

For a second it's peaceful, and warm, and the morning is as sweet as honey. It's been a long time since I've felt so well rested, and even longer since I've woken up on my own agenda, without Freddie scampering around my legs, itching for breakfast.

I pull back the covers, wincing as my bare body hits the cold air, and go over to my suitcase where I pull out a pair of jogging bottoms. It's not like I sleep naked or anything, but last night we all came home late, and maybe a little too tipsy, and this is just how I flopped into bed.

I grimace at the sour taste in my mouth, going over to the conjoined bathroom to freshen up before anyone has to become victim to my 'I woke up like this' face.

After I finish my business I decide to head into the living area, where I find Liam, Zayn and Harry all sat around the table.

"Ah! Look whose finally showing his face!" Liam laughs through his cornflakes

"And that'll be a good morning to you too, Liam" I reply sarcastically, giving him a look before I go over to raid the fridge.

"Okay, okay, you can put your sass back to bed Lou, we have bacon if you want it"

"Bacon?" My head snaps up at the mention of my favourite breakfast food

"you're just as bad as Freddie with his coco pops, honestly I wonder who the child is sometimes" Liam mutters and I catch Harry stifling a giggle from where he's opposite me at the table.

"And what're you finding so funny then curly?" I question, and Harry immediately stops. That's right. I thought just as much.


I breathe in deeply, adoring the warmth the sun provides as I lie on one of the beach loungers. The weather is perfect for the beach today, and this was quite a good suggestion if you ask me.

Liam and Zayn left just after breakfast, excusing themselves to go off  and be busy somewhere, leaving just Harry and I alone for the day.

We've spent a fair amount of time swimming in the sea, Harry in his ridiculous yellow swimming shorts, but then decided to dry off in the sun for a bit. I sigh contentedly, almost falling asleep when I feel a cold shadow hovering over my torso. I peel my eyes open, squinting at the hazy figure in the sun.

"Harrryyyyy, you're in the way of my sun" I whine

"Oh, hush, I'm hungry, do you want lunch or not?"

"Jeez, feisty much?" I get up none the less, leaning over the deck chair to find where my tank top ended up wedges between the wall and the leg of the chair, completely covered in sand. I raise back up, shaking it out before I turn back to Harry.

"Shut up, and follow me"

We end up going back to Harry's house, deciding to spend the rest of the day there, and after devouring lunch we go out into the garden to sit by the pool.

"Can I get in?" I ask, eyeing the cool water. It looks very appealing with the warm weather, I'm pretty sure I have sweat rolling down my back, and it's not pleasant.

"Sure" Harry replies.

I strip my tank off, going over to the pool and lowering myself in slowly.
I was right, it's deliciously cool, cutting through the humidity. I dip under the surface, swimming underwater to the other end where I resurface, shaking the water from my hair. The water is the perfect depth, coming just below my 'it is what it is' tattoo and I lean against the edge of the pool, resting my elbows on the ledge, tilting my head back into the sun.

I stay like that for a while, until Harry's movement attracts my eyes, and I watch as he lowers himself into the pool as well, dipping under the surface to wet his curls, pushing long spirals from his face as he comes back up.
He wades over to me, until he's standing so close I can see the way the water makes his eyelashes stick together and he's so beautiful I can't help the smile that breaks on my face.
He's standing with his back to the sun, wearing it as a halo of gold around his head, he's glowing.

He shifts closer still, pink lips parted slightly as he licks them, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip. My heart flutters as I watch the action, and it stirs something deep inside.

"Louis..." he whispers, like he's tasting my name on his tongue.

I tilt my head slightly further, shifting our lips so that they're aligned so close, mine tingle in anticipation.
He closes the gap, softly pressing into me with his whole body, pinning me to the wall with his hips, and his arms and finally, his lips. Our lips slide together, locking with each other gently, and sweetly until he shifts again, rocking his body against me and I open my mouth a little wider in reply. His hands move from my neck, running down my arms and slipping around my waist to the small of my back to bring me closer.
I throw my arms around his neck, gripping onto the hair at the nape, twisting and pulling it softly. A small rumble breaks from deep in his throat, and my breath staggers at the sound.

I rock my body against his slightly, creating the most delicious friction and devour his mouth on mine. I drag my tongue lightly against his bottom lip, and he opens his mouth wider.

He tastes like salt and vinegar, curtesy of the crisps we shared at lunch, and he sounds like honey, deep and sticky. He's driving me wild, and I'm at a loss for any self control, not with his hands, and his lips, and his hips still rocking against mine with a slow, sticky rhythm. His hands drop lower, grasping my bum, kneading it lightly and I think I might explode.

I slide my hands onto his shoulders, hoisting myself up and wrapping my legs around his torso. Our crotches finally align and I let out a breathy whine at the pressure building in my stomach. He pushes his hips against mine more urgently now, breaking the kiss while he suckles gently on my bottom lip. I moan loudly now, too far gone to control my actions, trusting Harry to guide me. He attaches his lips to the base of my neck, sucking and nibbling at the skin there before moving slightly and repeating the process. I'm so hard it's almost painful, and the need for release is scorching my abdomen.

I move my hips down to meet his thrust, and he throws his head back, moaning throatily. I repeat the action again, chasing the way he reacts, the beautiful sounds he makes, and then again and again until I feel his hips stutter and the sight of his face when he comes is enough to send me over the edge. I come so hard I see stars, and I moan loudly, voice breaking from my shuddering orgasm.

A/N ew I hate this why is it so cringe 😬

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