Chapter One - Where is Cassidy?

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Quick A/N I'm uploading this from my phone and it's unedited, so sorry for any grammar mistakes. Enjoy!


Chapter One


“There have been no new updates on the disappearance of famous Hollywood director, Antonio Monroe’s seventeen year old daughter Cassidy. Cassidy was last seen by friends Koda Johnson, Jamie Lynneah, Christopher Phan, and Aliyah Rivers at Hendry’s Beach around 9:30 pm last Saturday. Cassidy is 5’3” with long, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a tan complexion. If seen or if there are any leads to where she might be, please contact the hotline below.”

     “Oh god, Tony, will you turn that thing off,” sniffed Alison Monroe. She dabbed lightly at her light blue eyes with a tissue and then blew her nose into it shortly after, turning to her husband. Tony was sitting at his desk, doing the type of multitasking that would earn him an Olympic medal; he was currently video chatting with the Santa Barbara chief of inspectors, speaking into his blue tooth to the Hope Ranch patrol, and putting 25 different phone calls on hold while furiously scribbling down notes.


       “I will, sweetie, just give me a second to write this down,” he sighed, scrambling on his desk to find another free sticky note on his cluttered desk. Finding one, he went to write down the information going through his ear, but his pen inked out. He swore and began looking through drawers and under papers for another one.


“Pen… pen… Damn it, Ali, dear, do you have a pen?” Tony ran a hand through his thick black hair and glanced to his wife, who was sitting in the corner of his office like a plant, sobbing. It was all she had been doing since Cassidy didn’t come home three days ago. Tony was worried as well, of course, but crying over their missing daughter was not going to solve this case. He was currently doing anything and everything his power and money would allow to find Cass.


“Ali,” he repeated tiredly when she didn’t respond. She glanced up at him through her puffy red eyes and her lips trembled as she wiped her nose again.



“I-I’m sorry,” she stuttered, leaving the corner to walk up to his desk. “What was it you needed?” By now, Tony had already found a pen and was scribbling down a phone number he received from his bluetooth.


“Nothing now, Alison, thank you,” he said in a clipped tone as he opened up his email account and typed down the number he just wrote before sending it. He then closed his laptop and sat back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath.


“D-do you have any news..?” Alison bit her lip, which was swollen already from the days of nervous chewing, and wrapped her peach colored shawl around her slim torso tightly. Tony frowned and was about to answer, when his phone rang again.


“One second, sweetie,” he whispered as he picked up the phone. Into the receiver, he said, “Monroe, what is it? Good Morning America on Thursday? Are you shitting me, Kyle?” he shouted into the phone, his tanned face turning red with anger.


“My daughter is missing and you want me on a talk show? Forget it!” Tony slammed the phone down on the desk and ran his hand through his hair once more. Alison stood there, covering her mouth as she tried to hold back a fresh batch of tears. Immediately, Tony got up and pulled his wife into a hug. Stroking her caramel brown tresses softly, he shushed her and rocked slowly.

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