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Hey guys, Cleo here. First and foremost, let me apologize for my absence. I think the last time I updated was in October. A few things have been happening:

- In November my grandmother passed away. I was very close to her, so I couldn't really focus on writing for awhile.

- SATs and SAT Prep, looking for colleges and picking my major. I'm a junior, and I'm being overwhelmed with this school stuff.

- Work.

- My school gave all students Chromebooks, and that's what I have been working on to update easily, but the administrators completely blocked the website from the computers and I can no longer access it. (Currently on my phone)

I hope you guys can understand and continue to be patient. I'm going to try and update by March. My schedule is just crazy, but I didn't forget about my amazing readers that stayed here. Thank you so much!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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