Chapter Two - Cassidy's Friends

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Chapter Two

"Now tell me a little about Cass and your relationship as friends. What was she like?" Asked the reporter. It was noon on Tuesday, and Koda, Chris, Jamie, and Aliyah were all at Koda's parent's beach house being interviewed by reporters. The scratching of pens, typing of keys, and an odd rumbling sound coming from the bathroom was all that could be heard.

        Jamie was thinking about the question, twisting her dirty blonde hair thoughtfully around her fingers. Koda and Aliyah were lounging on the couch; Koda looking at the ceiling with his arm around Aliyah's shoulders, absentmindedly playing with her cherry red hair, and Aliyah curled up against his tanned and toned chest with a smug look that read, "Wouldn't you like to be here."

As Jamie opened her mouth to speak, the bathroom door suddenly slammed open and Chris walked out, rubbing his stomach with a lazy grin.

"Man, that was a nice dump," he stated, sitting down beside Jamie, who rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious," he exclaimed at Aliyah's disgusted look. "Those tacos were great."

There was awkward silence for a few moments and then it was broken by one of the reporters who had been watching Chris curiously. "D-do you have anymore tacos?"

Aliyah and Jamie exchanged an is-this-for-real look as Chris dug his hand into his back pocket, a strange place for tacos, and pulled one slightly smashed wrapped taco and handed it over. The reporter took it greedily and quickly started to devour it.

"Yeah, taco man! Oh, be careful dude," Chris added, biting back laughter. "There might be some shit on it."

The reporter's face turned green and he booked it into the bathroom, only to emerge seconds later looking worse, and ran out of the house.

"Up top, baby!" Chris yelled and high fived Koda, who just started paying attention.

"Man, that was hilarious," Koda mused, removing his arm from Aliyah, much to her dislike, and sitting up on the edge of the couch. "Does it stink like hell in there or what?"

Chris pursed his lips and raised a finger in a girly fashion, saying in his stereotypical asian voice, "Now why it stink? I make two bowl full, no four." Then they both cracked up and Jamie sighed exasperatedly; it was enough of their immature crap. "Grow the fuck up!"

Once they shut up, she turned her attention back to the reporter who questioned her.

"Cass and I were- are great friends. We'd have tons of sleepovers here in the beach house and would go out for midnight swims..." She sighed softly and looked down into her lap, smiling sadly at the remembrance. "She would always find the most amazing sea shells, even in the dark. She was truly amazing."

The reporters continued to scribble and type before turning to Aliyah and Koda, completely bypassing Chris after the previous incident.

"And you two? How well were you and Cassidy as friends?"

Aliyah sat up straighter and gave the reporter a dazzling smile as she flipped her vibrantly red waves over her shoulder. "Cass and I are, like, the best of friends. We go shopping together and, like, just two weeks ago she taught me how to surf."

"You don't know how to surf and you're living in California?" Chris practically shouted, causing Aliyah's face to scrunch up in anger.

"I do now, Chris," she hissed back. "Shut up."

"But you didn't before," he continued, and received a smirk from Koda. Aliyah's face turned as red as her hair and she gave Chris an ugly look, speaking through gritted teeth, "Shut. The. Hell. Up."

But Chris was excited and stood up with his arms spread wide. "Come at me, bro." But when she didn't move, he turned to Jamie and asked, "Is the newb on her period or something?"

Jamie laughed and Aliyah glared at Chris as he walked up to her, smiling. "You mad bra?"  He jumped back when she swung at him.

"Ooh, someone's got a little bit of temper!"

"Go die in a hole."

"Only if you join me, sexy."

"Fuck you!"

"What time?" Chris asked, and wiggled his eyebrows flirtatiously before sitting down and turning to a reporter.

"Cass is definitely my bestest friend ever. I mean, we do everything together and we're always cracking jokes on the Wicked Bitch of the West Coast over here."

Koda cleared his throat then and all of the reporters looked to him, awaiting his input.

"Cass and I were like this," he said, crossing his fingers together. "Inseparable, the best of buds. She's pretty hot too, and we even made out the night before she disappeared."

At this revelation, Aliyah raised a perfectly arched brow and crossed her arms over her chest. Jamie snorted at the sight and Chris laughed out loud, saying, "Girl, don't get twisted. Y'all ain't even a thing."

Jamie bursts out laughing and Aliyah stormed outside to the deck. Jamie finally caught her breath after a moment and sighed, "She is such a bootie call."

There was a short silence after that and then the reporters all stood and began to pack up. One came up to Koda and shook his hand. "Thanks, that'll be all today." Then they all filed outside after Aliyah.

Aliyah was leaning against the rail of the deck and staring out at the beach when the reporters all flooded past. One of them stopped and lightly tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around with an irritated expression and snapped, "What do you want?"

The reporter stepped back a bit and pulled out a notepad. "I-I-I wanted t-to know h-how you feel... About Cass's disappearance," he stammered.

Aliyah narrowed her sharp blue eyes at him. "You wanna know how I feel?" She asked in a low voice, and he nodded. "Well," she said, taking a step closer. "I'm glad that whore is missing. I hope they never find her."



A/N: So yeah, those are Cassidy's friends...^^ Next update will be next Tuesday. Remember to vote and leave comments! Don't be a silent reader.

P.S. Now that you've met the whole cast, if anyone has any suggestions as to who should be who, just comment! :D Thanks.


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