Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"No, you listen!" Tony shouted into his Bluetooth. "Do the job and do it right, I don't have time for this!" Then he clicked the call off and flung his Bluetooth aside with a scowl.

"Honey, who was that?"

Tony nearly jumped out of his skin and turned to find Alison standing in the doorway with a steaming blue mug in her hand.

Blue, he thought sadly, Cassidy's favorite color.

"Oh, uh, just Kyle again, dear. Aren't you tired?" He frowned as he took in the dark circles under his wife's eyes, and glanced at the wall clock; it read 12:34.

"Mhm.." Alison yawned, nodding slowly, and then she lifted her cup to take a sip. "Just wanted some tea before bed. Will you be up soon?"

"I'll be up in a minute, dear," he said tiredly, running a hand through his disheveled hair as he crossed to her. He pulled her in by her waist for a hug and kissed the top of her head. "I have a few things to finish up, okay?"

Alison nodded and stepped away, flashing a soft smile, her first one in days, towards him. "Goodnight, honey."

"Buenas noches, mi amor."


She was standing in the middle of a dark room; in her hand was a gun, in front of her, Cassidy. Cass was tied up to a chair, her eyes wide and pleading. Tape was covering her mouth, but little mumbles could still be heard and distinguished.

"Aliyah, stop, please."

She raised the gun to Cass's head and, in a questioning manner, cocked her own to the side, her red hair cascading over her shoulder as she did. She cocked the gun and then stared blankly into Cass's eyes.

"I bet your blood is as red as my hair.."

Suddenly, there was a shout and Aliyah whipped around, pointing the gun at a new figure.


His hands were raised in surrender, his gorgeous hazel eyes on the gun in her hand.

"C'mon, Aliyah," he pleaded, his velvety voice trembling with nerves. "Don't hurt Cass... Please..."

That only made her angry and she turned the gun back to Cassidy's face, but kept her eyes on Koda. "And why shouldn't I?" She cried, tears burning in her eyes. Behind her, Cass's muffled screams were calling for help.

"Because she's... Our friend," Koda said desperately, but Aliyah noticed that his eyes were trained on Cassidy, not her.

She hated it.

She looked back at Cassidy and glared at her, saying, "Fuck you," before pulling the trigger.

There was a loud blast and then Aliyah shot up, suddenly awake and panting.

Looking around, she saw that she was still at Koda's beach house, laying in his bed with his arm around her waist. The green numbers in the digital clock on the nightstand read 4:38 am.

Why is it so early, she thought with a groan, and carefully slipped out of Koda's hold to go get a drink.

She slipped out of the room and started towards the kitchen. She passed the lounge room and peeked in to see Jamie curled up on the couch, her chest rising and falling steadily while she slept. Chris was sprawled over the armchair, his butt up in the air. He let out a loud fart and Aliyah flinched as a wave of noxious fumes hit her nose.

"You fucking stink hog," she choked, covering her nose and quickly running past the lounge and into the kitchen.

She opened the kitchen window and breathed in fresh, clean ocean air in huge gulps. She was lucky to survive that encounter.

Looking out into the ocean, she sighed and let her thoughts wander back to that dream.

What is wrong with me?

That dream had been terrifying, yet she couldn't shake the feeling that she might actually be capable of putting a bullet through Cassidy's head.

Damn it, she thought, dropping her head into her hands as she leaned against the windowsill. Did she honestly hate Cassidy that much?

Yes, said a voice in her head, but she shook it away and whispered, "No... Ugh, maybe..."

After getting a quick drink of water, she hurried back to Koda's room and slipped back into bed beside him. She played with the string on her pajama shorts and sighed loudly, causing Koda to lightly stir.

"Hey, what's wrong," he asked groggily, grabbing her around the waist to pull her against his hard abs.

"It's nothing," she lied, smiling softly when he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "Just a bad dream, that's all.."

"It's alright," he whispered sleepily, hugging her tighter, which made her feel warm all over. "I'm here for you," he joked, and poked lightly at her sides, making her laugh. Then he snuggled back into her and was asleep again within minutes. Aliyah curled up against him and shut her eyes with a wide smile.

For me only...



A/N: First, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH, over 100 reads! YOU ROCK. So... What's up with Aliyah? Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think.

So I see a bunch of other stories on WP do cool things in their A/N, so I wanted to try one. :D

I want you guys to tell me who your favorite story character is. It could be from any story, on or off WP.

Mine is a tie between Piper McLean and Leo Valdez from Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series. They rock! :D

Remember to vote and comment. Sorry for the long A/N.

P.S. Sorry for the  32 minutes late update. D:

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