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Neither of us said anything until the door slammed behind Reese, the screen door making an ominous creaking noise.

I hadn't turned around to face him as I continued moving towards my bedroom to take off my shoes when Reese spoke.

"What was that for?" He sounded more irritated than I ever heard him sound.

Finally I turned around and faced him.

"Excuse me? Last time I checked you kissed me!"

Reese opened his mouth and closed it again, but he still looked mad.

"Hey, you didn't have to put me in that position, okay?"

"Me?" I shot back. "Why me?"

"I know you like me, but you don't have to be so obvious about it!"

"If anything I'm trying not to be obvious!" I snapped. "Hard as it is to believe the questions about dating bug me as much as they bug you!"

Reese raised his eyebrows.

"Well you have a funny way of showing it." He muttered.

"When you find a way for me to turn off my feelings let me know."

"Why me, huh? Or am I just the next guy you happen to have a crush on?"

"Maybe because you've always been there and you get me-newsflash!" I replied. "In case you're wondering you weren't just "the next guy" I like you because you're you!"

For a long time Reese didn't say anything and we were staring at each other standing in front of my bed. Then Reese stepped forward and the next second he was kissing me really kissing me, like he wanted to prove a point.

Next minute he pulled away gasping and we were staring at each other still both trying to catch our breath.

"Reese... Just stop thinking about this..." I mumbled. Then our mouths crashed together again and my hands ran along his face and into his hair, which needed to be cut again. The next moment I felt my legs press into the bed and we tumbled onto it. I felt Reese's body over mine and was suddenly very aware of him-very aware-in a way I almost never allowed myself to be.

My heart was pounding, he was suddenly too close, this was too close, but suddenly I felt this avalanche of emotions neither of us had ever felt before. I could almost see the wheels in Reese's head turning trying to figure out what he wanted to do next, he was still breathing heavily.

Then everything after that happened in a blur. I don't remember who reached first, but then the clothes were on the floor. I was half undressed and Reese had pulled his shirt over his head. This was more than either of us had ever seen of each other.  Then we were doing one of our "best friend telepathy thing" because we seem to have both come to a decision without speaking.

I felt Reese's fingers along my hips and I knew we were about to cross a line.

I must have fallen asleep at some point afterwards because when I woke up I was under the covers. A quick assessment revealed I was only wearing a T-shirt and was quite sore in my unmentionable region and moved gingerly to make sure my pieces and parts were still attached. When I looked over Reese was gone I hadn't even heard him leave so he must have left after I had fallen asleep. As I pulled on the rest of my clothes I glanced out the window, the car had long since gone.

The next few weeks went back to business as usual. I was grateful for the summer holidays and for the time being put school out of my mind. Since my argument with Reese I hadn't felt  well, but I figured it was just the stress of everything that it happened. I wanted to pick up the phone and call him to apologize, but I didn't even know where to start.

Unfortunately, before I could do that something else came up.

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