Expecting, Unexpected and Expected

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The first thing I had to do was figure out who to tell first. On one hand, it would be harder to tell my parents because this was not something they expected, but on the other hand, it would be harder to tell Reese because he was my child's father but also my best friend. I cringed to think of what this would do to our friendship, but hadn't we already crossed a line?

Finally I just did it. First, I sent him a text.

Hey, we need to talk. I know I've been AWOL for a bit but this is really important.

He replied a few hours later.

Sure, I'll call you tonight.

Reese called sometime after dinner. Normally I would've been happy to hear his ring tone on my phone, but now I was really nervous.

"Hey..." I said quietly.

"Hey," Reese replied smoothly, "you said you wanted to talk. You said it was important."

"Yeah..." I replied as I blew out a breath, "are you sitting down?"

There was a shuffle in the background as he moved across his apartment.

"What's this all about Lana?" Reese asked softly.

I tried to keep my voice steady as I continued to speak.

"You remember that argument we had a few weeks ago when you came down?"

"Yeah," Reese replied, "look, Lana, about that, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so pissed off at you. I can't control what my friends think about our relationship."

"And about what happened after..." I continued cautiously.

Reese was quiet for a minute.

"That shouldn't have happened." He responded shortly, though he didn't sound mad.

"Yeah, well, I know we weren't thinking clearly that day... And well... Reese, I'm pregnant."

There was more silence and finally he let out a breath he seemed to have been holding.

"I'm the father." It was a statement not a question, he wasn't stupid.


"Hey, can we talk later? This is a lot to process right now and I had to figure some stuff out. I can't guarantee anything right now, okay I just have to think. Talk to you later."

Then he hung up.

Well that was abrupt, I thought. I couldn't lose Reese over this, I just couldn't. Then just as I put my phone away I just started crying, I never just started crying. Stupid pregnancy hormones!

My next objective was to tell my parents, and in some respects this made me more nervous than telling Reese he was going to be a father.

I had already decided telling them over Saturday dinner was not going to be a good idea, but at the same time I didn't want to make a special trip just to tell them they were going to be grandparents, so by the time I made up my mind the decision was already made for me when my mother invited me over for dinner because my dad had gotten a raise at work-they were celebrating.

As I expected they were cooking steak but I think when I turned down even 1/4 of the portion I normally ate my mother got suspicious.

"Lana, dear, are you feeling all right? Are you sure that's enough?"

"Funny you should ask." I muttered dryly, but decided right when my dad had a piece of steak to his mouth wasn't the best time to tell them and decide to wait till after dinner.

My mother had gotten ice cream, cake and strawberries for dessert. This I tolerated okay, but stuck to small portions, this seemed to be helping the nausea I had been experiencing for the past several weeks.

"Lana, are you sure you feeling alright? You seem a bit pale, honey."

"You're not pregnant are you?" My dad asked.

"Well..." I mumbled.

Then the entire story came out from beginning to end including my not so good conversation with Reese.

"You realize that wasn't very smart." My dad commented after I had finished.

"No kidding!" I replied. "Don't ask me why it happened, it just did, and I don't even know where my relationship with Reese is going to go, I don't think he took the news very well."

"So you're not mad?" I asked tentatively.

"We're disappointed." My mother said quietly, "but there's nothing we can do but move on from here. Needless to say, this isn't the way we would like to have heard about our first grandchild."

I only nodded.

"Have you tried to find an obstetrician?" My mother asked next.

I shook my head.

"Mom, I'm still trying to apply for a job, I have to support this kid somehow!"

"Well I can get you in with mine-Dr. Bracken-been my OB/GYN since I had you. Still go to her for Pap smears and she took care of my birth control for quite a few years."

TMI. I thought.

"Thanks mom." I replied. "I'm doing my best."

"That's all we can ever ask for." My dad replied.

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