The end

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Kenzie's POV
When we got to school that morning everyone was staring at me. More than usual. I walk to my locker and saw that my locker had a bunch of roses on it. I smiled but it faded away when I read the note.
Hey princess,
We've got a lunch date in the janitors closet today. Don't be late, I know where you live.
Xoxo William
Tears stream down my face and I feel strong hands on my waist and they flip me around slamming me against the lockers. Williams face lit up when he saw my tears.
W; I see you got my note bbg.
K; what do you want from me.
W; here's the deal, you are going to my girlfriend until I feel like it. If you don't behave I'll fuck you like there's no tomorrow. Understand?
He whispered into my ear. I nod as he wiped my tears away. Everyone was staring, and right when the gang walked in William smashed his lips on mine. When I didn't kiss back he bit my lip roughly making me whimper. I kiss back and snake my hands up to his neck as his fall to my ass. Our faces get pulled apart and I can tell William is mad.
W; what gives man.
We looked up to see Johnny, the rest of the gang standing behind him.
J; what do you think you're doing.
W; what I can't make out with my girlfriend?
Everyone looked shocked as William kissed down my neck and I didn't stop him. The warning bell rang and he ran off to class.
K; Johnny I need your help. At lunch on need you to get a teacher and tell them something bass happening in the janitors closet, ok?
J; why?
K; just do it Johnny.
I say and run to class.

It's lunch and I'm slowly walking to the janitors closet. I causally open the door and walk inside to be shoved against the wall and having my shirt thrown off. I try to fight back but he only gets tougher.
K; William please stop.
W; what did I say would happen if you missed behaved?
He ask sliding his hand down my shorts fingering me, his other hand holding my hands above my head.
K; stop! Please!
He continued doing what he was doing while also sucking on my neck. I started to cry as I begged for him to stop when suddenly a teacher burst through the door, Johnny standing behind him. The teacher pulled William away from me as I fall on the floor. Johnny rushed up to me and hugged me tight. He gives me my shirt and I put it on.
T; ms. Ziegler would you please come to the principals office with me?
The teacher asked while holding onto Williams ear.
K; can Johnny come?
I asked. He nodded and we walked to the principals office, Johnny still hugging me. When we get there we discuss what happened and Maddie and Williams parents were called and so were the police. William was arrested and his parents didn't argue. They apologized to me and I begged Maddie to let us stay instead of moving and she said it was ok. I jumped with joy and hugged Johnny tightly.
P; we do suggest that you go home and rest after today.
The principal said. I nod and Maddie drives me home. Joey came over and we hung out for awhile until school was out and the rest of the gang came over.
They burst into my room and hugged me.
L; Johnny told us what happened.
K; he did?
They nodded.
K; ok... well I'm fine so please get off of me.
They laugh and let go of me sitting down. Johnny was still standing tho.
J; can I talk to you for a minute?
He asked me. I nod and we walk outside. We're standing by the pool facing each other when he suddenly leans down and kisses me passionately. My arms snake up to wrap around his neck as he pulled me closer. We finally pull apart and he looks deep into my eyes.
J; will you be my boyfriend?
K; what?
J; what?
K;what do you just say?
J; what do you think I said.
K; will you be my boyfriend?
J; I thought you'd never ask.
He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and pull him back down into a kiss.
J; but for real, will you be my girlfriend?
He asked when we pulled apart. A smile creeped up onto my face.
K; no.
J; what?
K; I'm kidding! Of course I'll be your girlfriend! I said laughing. He sighed in relief and we can hear cheers in the background. We look up and see the gang basically hanging out the window listening. We both laugh and I flip them off.
Everyone; we love you too!
I chuckle and Johnny kisses my forehead laughing. He grabbed my hand and we walked inside.

The end.

Omg look! I finally finished a book! Sorry it took so long I've been really busy. I'm going to try to update my other book today but don't hold your breath.

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