Chapter Fourteen

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Spencer pulled up in front of Zora's house. His fingers curled around the steering wheel, and he continuously glanced at Zora, to the windshield and back. It unsettled her a little, causing her to wonder if he was silently telling her to leave his car. Before she could exit the vehicle, he finally managed to ask her, "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah," she exhaled. "Thank you so much for coming with me. It really means a lot that you would go through the trouble to come."

Taking her hand in his, he gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "It was no problem at all. I just need for you to pay me for gas for driving you home."

"Oh, of course," Zora replied as she frantically began to search her bag for her wallet.

"Whoa, no, hey, sorry, I was joking," Spencer hurriedly responded. The two stopped and stared at one another. "I was just teasing you. I'm sorry," he explained, his voice growing softer with each word he spoke.

"Oh," she whispered. A soft giggle escaped her glossed lips, and she was soon laughing in the car with Spencer joining in. "Good night, Spencer."

"Night, Zora," he whispered.

She shut the car door and strolled up to the front porch. When she entered the house, she overheard Terrance upstairs in his room, cursing and laughing. She assumed he was playing an online video game with his friends, so she refused to bother him.

Before she could enter her room, the noises from Terrance's room stopped and he popped out into the doorway. "Hey, where did you and Spencer go?"

"You knew I was with him?"

"He told me he would be taking you home today."

"We were at the gay-straight alliance," she answered as she stepped into her room.

"We have one of those?" Terrance questioned as he followed her.

Sitting down at her desk, Zora nodded. "It was fun. I got to talk with other transgender students. Kendall was also there. Although she did seem upset during the second half."

"What is your sexuality?" Terrance blatantly asked.

"I'm straight, but what does that have to do with-"

"I'm pretty sure she has a crush on you. Don't worry, though, she's fallen for plenty of straight girls before. She'll get over you eventually," he brushed off. "Next time you go, let me know. I'd love to go sometime."

"How come?"

The joke Kendall made about him coming out of the closet. How their friends said Terrance needed to learn to accept himself. Most importantly, the fact that Spencer gestured for her to 'shut up' before she could ask if Terrance was gay. She wanted him to know that she would support him no matter what. She just needed to know if it was true.

He shrugged. "To support you and everyone else I know."

"No other reason?"

Glancing out into the hall, Terrance shut the door and narrowed his eyes on Zora. "What are you trying to get at?"

Placing her hands between her knees, she bit her lip as she looked up at Terrance. "I mean, it is a gay-straight alliance, you know?"

"Hence the straight part."

"Hence the gay part."

"What are you trying to say?"

All caution was thrown to the wind. Spencer's begs to not pry deeper resurfaced in her brain, but his command to ask Terrance about it was also apparent. If he didn't want for her to pry deeper, then why would he tell her to ask her brother about his secret instead? Favoring the questioning side of her more, she asked, "Are you gay?"

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