Chapter 2

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He dreamed of the day Lloyd left for the museum, the day everything started.

Misako had just told them about the police call and the request for the Green Ninja. Before the magically aged teen could dart off, though, Cole pulled him aside.

"Are you sure you want to go alone," he questioned, a bit wary of the call.

"Yeah, why wouldn't be?" Lloyd looked a bit ticked off at being delayed of his duty.

"What if it's a trap? What if someone's just trying to lure you out into the open?"

"Cole, I appreciate the concern, but it's just a break in. It's not serious."

"Exactly. Since when do the police call us to do such a simple job? Since when do they call us in general?"

"You may be right; I'll keep an out. I'm still going. This might actually be a real problem and the police are just too lazy to do it." Cole smirked at that, but kept his worried demeanor. Lloyd placed a hand on the Black Ninja's shoulder.

"I'll be fine. I promise. I'll be back before you know it."

And with that, the blonde flipped his hood over and ran out the door, forming his dragon and flying off to New Ninjago City.

Then the dream changed, fading out to form a new image.

It was of Morro, and next to him, on his knees and held in chains, was Lloyd. He looked exhausted. He could barely stay upright. His eyes were drooping closed, but whenever they did, the Green Ninja would shake like he was being electrocuted.

"So, it's true." Cole's attention was dragged back to Morro when he began to speak. "One of the Ninja has been turned into a ghost? How'd it happen? What did you do to deserve such a fate?"

When he tried to speak, nothing came out. He glared as Morro began to laugh. It was really creepy. "Oh sorry, did no one tell you? You're in my mind, now. I make the rules, and rule number one is you are not allowed to speak. Got that?" Cole just nodded mutely, cringing back as Lloyd spasmed again.

"Oh, I forgot. I'm not the one doing this to your beloved Green Ninja." The Earth Ninja just stared at the other ghost, not believing him.

"I'm serious! He's fighting me every second of every day, but, in order to do that, he needs to be awake, so he set this up." Morro smiled, sending shivers down Cole's spine. "He's, quite literally, imprisoned himself in his own mind. The longer I'm here, the longer Lloyd needs to stay awake. He'll die of exhaustion before I'm ever able to do anything. But when he does fade away..." The Wind Elemental looked down at Lloyd and began stroking his hair. "I'll be able to take full possession. And then I will be the Green Ninja."

Cole, sickened by the other ghost's movements, attempted to blast a pile of rocks at him, momentarily forgetting his powers were disabled due to the corruption of Lloyd. Morro just simply looked amused, and continued to pet the Green Ninja.

"Cole..." The new voice was weak and raspy. It took the Black Ninja a second to recognize it as Lloyd's.

"'ve got–" He was cut off as another shock went through his body. Cole raced forward, but, with a snap of Morro's fingers, he was frozen in place, forced to watch.

"You've got get out of here...I'm holding him back, but–" Another shock. Lloyd looked up at him, and what he saw in his eyes would've stopped his heart if he still had it.

Exhaustion was plain as day. It gave his eyes a dull sheen. But the fierce determination and protectiveness also burning in them shocked Cole, and also scared him a little. If Lloyd wasn't so strong, so determined to hold Morro back and prevent him from getting what the power-hungry ghost wanted, all of the Ninja would be dead. He was willing to give his own life to give them a chance of stopping Morro. Cole himself made a similar sacrifice on Chen's Island, but with not nearly as high stakes.

"Tell...tell the others to what they must. Don't...don't worry guys have...have to stop...Morro."

"'Don't worry about me' he says. I'd be very worried if I were you. He's getting weaker as we speak. I almost have enough control to–" Morro cut himself off as rage burned bright across his face. The hand that had been previously petting the Green Ninja clenched, grabbing a fistful of blonde hair and making Lloyd whimper in pain in the process. "What? How are you doing that?" His form began to fade. "Where are you getting your strength?"

Lloyd smiled weakly. "Go, Cole. Give...the others my...message."

The Earth Ninja finally was able to speak. "No, Lloyd, wait–"

His vision blacked out, and Morro and Lloyd were gone.

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