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Schools starting tomorrow aNd mY sOCiaL aNxIEtY iS kIcKiNg iN
iM spOokEd
but I have all my classes with my non asian boyfriend 💞
I aLsO hEarD blUbbEr aNd stRiPpER aRe aLsO gOinG tO bE iN oUr cLaSSeS
I'll make a chapter or something explaining why I call them blubber and stripper
But that's for another time
I just hope I don't drown in homeworkkkkk
I'll find time to update this book with new stories everyday if I can
hOPe I sUrviVe tHis yEaR!

Schools starting tomorrow aNd mY sOCiaL aNxIEtY iS kIcKiNg iNiM spOokEd but I have all my classes with my non asian boyfriend 💞I aLsO hEarD blUbbEr aNd stRiPpER aRe aLsO gOinG tO bE iN oUr cLaSSeS I'll make a chapter or something explaining why I...

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My heart purple, my leg inside out, and my dick straighter than I am
Lil moo moo oUT!

Gay and boredWhere stories live. Discover now