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             🌸🌸🌸 Anastasia's POV🌸🌸🌸

"Are we still going shopping with Maddie and Riley for the beginning of the year party?" Leyla asked while doing her nails. 

You see Leyla invited them to shop with us for the beginning of the school year party coming up. I don't mind them coming I just would have really enjoyed just us. I'm just not to smiley about Riley or her act of trying to be our friends and her boy stealing looks and Maddie is super bubbly and happy and doesn't understand sarcasm . I'm more of a sarcastic Ray of sunshine who happens to have a sweet side when it's needed. And who doesn't love a sarcastic Ray of sunshine?

Leyla and I were talking with them at lunch and she asked them if they would like to go shopping with us. So I agreed and  was going to be nice as possible. I thought it was really mean to exclude them or be mean to either of them and I didn't want stoop to there level anyways.

BUT like WTAF fr????? Leyla did the worst thing she could have possibly done at that moment. She could have asked any damn question but no she asked YOU WANNA GO SHOPPING WITH US. LIKE UHHHHHGGGHHGHHHHHHH!!!

Ok now I got all my anger out!

"Yea I guess, but I'm still mad you asked them you know I don't exactly like them that much." I walked over to my bed and plopped down on it grabbing my remote. Snuggling my stuffed animals for comfort About to do some Netflix and chill with myself. Before our trip to the mall.

She sighed thinking for a second "Look I know you and Riley aren't the best of friends and all and wattage did was super fucked up A  but it's just one trip shopping so lighten up you prude."

"Yea I know it's just one trip but I can't help how I feel towards Riley and there just not the type of people I like to be around in all honesty but ill bear with it for you because I love you so fucking much if I didn't I wouldn't be going just remember that." I replied trying to sound serious while pointing at her.

It was about three when we met Maddie and Riley at the mall. I hadn't told anyone about Eli not that there really was much to tell other than he's the guy from Spain.

Nate told us that he would be at Ryan's  party along with a bunch of other guys but I only remember him saying Eli's name. So I needed to look as hot as possibly possible at this party.

Riley and Maddie tried on a few outfits while me and Leyla had to score them so they knew what one was cutest. While Leyla and I rated they didn't really care witch ones we liked the most or what we had to say. Riley ended up asking us to call Nate to see his opinion and supposedly get "another's person's perspective" that's when I snapped.

"What why do you need his opinion we asked you to come with us to shop with girls and have a good time Riley ."If you only agreed to come to get to talk with Nate then leave. What's wrong with me and Leyla scoring" I said in a tone almost bitch like kinda pissed while I squeezed the the phone in my hand in was surprised the phone didn't shatter in my hand. For some reason I was really agitated. I mean she was just trying to ask us to call Nate so she could flirt and get his opinion so she could have sex with him eventually . But little did she know he liked Leyla. Riley has a huge reputation as a version of a slut she likes to Fuck around. Witch I don't really care she can do that if she wants  you can do you live your life however you like, but when it comes to my friends it's big fat NO and everyone can tell she's got her eyes on Nate except everyone.

I'm actually the only person but I don't care if no one else notices because I can tell I'm like a mind reader when it comes to her I know because she did this to Ryan and our relationship we had for years before she came to our school last year.

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