one | phil

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"Phil seriously, get up."

The sun harshly fell on his face as his friend opened the blinds. He groaned and turned over in his bed.

"Honestly, weren't you just telling me you needed to get up early, something about you meeting the illustrator today."

Phil shoved Brian off as he kicked him awake.

"Wake up and smell the coffee."

He rose up slightly and looked around sluggishly. "Coffee?"

"On the counter."

His flatmate walked out his room to give him some privacy. He looked over at his clock and found he could take a shower if he had breakfast at the studio.

He sighed and pulled himself up. He hated working on Sundays, but the illustrators from America were coming to meet them to decide if they wanted to work on the graphic novel with Phil's storyboard team. They were both perfect for the roles, so the team really wanted to impress them.

After his shower he put on one of his finest plaid shirts and a small bow tie he tore off an alien plush he won at a fair. It was the only one that patched his red and blue flannel.

Brian yelled to Phil he was leaving already. Phil shouted back to him.

"Okay, I'll be having dinner with Louise, so don't wait up for me!"

The door clicked to a lock and Phil was alone in the apartment with his coffee and sleepy thoughts.

He yawned and set back on a chair to drink his coffee. He checked the time every so often, and was about to fall sleep on the table before his phone alarm rang. He sighed and got up to leave.

He owned a car, but he preferred to walk. Most of his time was spent sitting down and writing scripts, or character background stories. So he power walked to work, it was his daily dose of exercise.

His phone went off just as he was about to enter the tiny studio he and his team worked in.

Louise: you're still coming tonight, right???

Phil: of course, I'll try not to be late

Louise: you better not be, I've got a a surprise for you :)

He smiled and entered the small building. It was actually a two story flat they put a down payment on, they being him and his three other team mates.

"Lester!" The team leader, Marty, greeted him.

Phil raised his hand in a hello before trudging off to the kitchen to grab a donut.

"Did you finish the panels last night?" Marty asked, sliding up next to him.

Phil mumbled with his mouth full. "Raine had 'em."

A tiny girl with bushy brown hair, and coffee colored skin bounced on the counter.

"I'm sure Marty will excuse the fact I didn't do them, since I was with him last night." She tossed a wink at Phil.

Phil smiled and greeted her. Raine was always getting away with stuff like this, since she was dating Marty. They mixed well, she was definitely a firecracker, but he knows that what Marty likes most about her.

Marty grunted and shoved a donut into his mouth. Marty was a huge dude, tall, taller then Phil, which was a feat within itself. He was muscular, with a mess of blond hair and dark brown eyes. He was intimidating at times, but he was actually a huge teddy bear.

"Yo, Flip, excited we're gonna met our other half today?"

Santiago, or Santi for short , the last and youngest of the team, came bounding at Phil. He was nineteen, making him six years younger then Phil, despite that, Raine swore he had a thing for Phil. And honestly, Phil wouldn't doubt that.

"I'm sure Marty is more excited then us, he'll be glad he doesn't have to draw all on his own."

Santi smirked. "Finally, dios mio, he never shut up about his cramped hand."

Phil laughed and shook his head. Santi was adorable, he'll give him that. He had tan skin, soft dark brown hair, and black eyes. To top it off he was funny and sweet in every way. If he wasn't so young he might think of giving him a chance.

"Do we still not know the mystery illustrators?" Phil asked.

Santi shrugged. "Not really, they should be arriving soon though, so we better head up to the conference room."

They headed up to the second floor, which held the conference room, the art studio, the writers room, and two bathrooms.

They all sat around the table, chatting and wait for the illustrators arrival. Phil was pretty excited to meet his illustrator. Every writer on the team got one, an illustrator to draw what they could only image in their writing. Raine and Marty immediately got paired together, seeing as they've been dating since freshmen year of college.

That's actually were the idea all started. Phil met the two in college, and seeing as they all were creative in their own ways they began to create a story during their boring times in lectures.

As college ended, leaving them nothing but credentials and no money, they took up and offer their Professor had for them. She was able to get them an offer from her husband's publishing agency, they would write a graphic novel, and get paid in the process, but they did have to but their own supplies, equipment, and space for their work.

Apparently her husband liked the writing the Professor had been showing him from Phil and Raine. Marty was in an art department, but since they wanted a graphic novel series, an illustrator is a must.

Santi came in around a year ago, they found him on a site for freelance writers, and gave him an offer. He lived around the area and was a great scrip writer far as they could tell.

The two illustrators they hired were found on Tumblr, they worked in pair, sharing work made together, and apart. Their style fit the novels feel so much they had to be hired.

Phil was so lost in his thought he didn't notice Marty was missing from the table, til now anyway.

"Where'd he go?"

Raine smiled. "He went down to get them, something about being a gentleman, I dunno."

Santi nudged Phil. "Flip here can't relate."

Phil kicked him under the table and began to play a game on his phone to pass the time. He was unaware of the extra two people in the room til he saw them scurry over to a few chairs across from him and Raine. Marty, who was at the beginning of the table like a true leader stood up and began to introduce them.

"Everyone, this is Hailey Samuel, she'll be partnered with Santi."

Phil looked up for a split second, and did a double take. There was a girl with choppy, cherry red hair, greeting the table.

But next to her was a boy, a boy with soft, fluffy, curly brown hair, deep brown eyes he was too familiar with, and slightly chapped lips.

"Okay, next is Dan Howell, Phil this'll be your partner, for hopefully months to come."

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