two | dan

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"Fight me."

"Hailey, leave me alone I'm trying to drive."

Dan had been through a lot this morning to say the least. They flew in only five hours ago, got three hours of sleep, and to top it all off they were gonna be late for their first meeting at the their new job in London. It's been awhile since Dan's been back in the United Kingdom. Nearly four years actually.

"You used to live in Manchester, right?"

"Yeah, before I left."

Around the time college was rolling around, Dan got an offer to go to an art school in America. It would cost less to go there, and the campus was a hundred percent better then the ones in the UK, so he left.

Dan hasn't been back since he was twenty-two and broke things off with Phil. He made a life for himself in America and couldn't travel back and forth like he used to. Plus, he already felt like their relationship was hanging on by a thread. No use to try to patch things up, and Dan swore he never wanted to come back.

He groaned and hit his head on the steering wheel.

"Oh stop all that, Danny," Hailey hit his arm. "You should have slept on the plane."

"Kinda hard to sleep with your head digging into my shoulder."

She smiled softly and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

He sighed, and tried to shrug off a smiled.

He met Hailey five years ago, just as she was entering college. He helped her and their other friend, Riley, who they sadly left in America, settle into the campus. Soon enough they all became friends.

He never looked at any of them in a romantic light though, he was still with Phil at the time and Hailey was hopelessly in love Riley, she still is. Not that he hasn't thought about it, Hailey is rather pretty. Her choppy red locks, dark green eyes, and long legs, would make anyone go wild. He kept his wandering eyes away from Riley though, they were just to pure for any of that.

"Alright, we're almost there, let's look into our colleagues, I've got a list."

Dan nodded trying to focus on the road. "The other two aren't that important, who are our partners gonna be?"

Hailey looked down the list and began to read.

"Okay, mine is a guy name Santiago Ramirez, eighteen, and he had collectively no experience, never been to college, I'm doomed."

Dan laughed. "Mine probably better."

"Yup, he went to college, he's twenty-five, so I'm sure he won't be saying 'lit' to half the stuff you say, his name is..." She trailed off just as they parked.

"Come on, spit it out, have they got a weird name?"

She shook her head.

Dan rolled his eyes and was about to get out of the car but she held onto his arm.

"Listen, if you don't want the job we can always go back to working at that trashy magazine company." She squeaked.

"Okay, hand over the paper."

She gave it to him with out hesitation. He looked down the list at the last man's information and credentials.

Seeing the name Philip Lester was like a punch in the face.

After a while he sigh and out the paper down.

"You okay, Danny?"

Dan nodded. "I'm not sixteen anymore, we're both adults, just play it straight."

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