Chapter 2: Tell Me

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Nicole's P.O.V

I shift uncomfortably on his lap but decide to get this over with.

"I was in the shower and you came in asking about round 2" I mumbled. "Well that happens alot so I can't help with that moment much" he said against my ear and I shifted again.

"Continue" he said knowing there's more, how does he?

"Um I'm not sure about this" I start "I just came out of the shower and you trapped me against the wall knowing I was going to run and said and I quote 'I don't like when you run from me'" I tried mimicking his deep heavenly voice.

"Is that it?" He questioned "for that one yes" then I realised I could of gotten away without telling the others.

"How many are left?" He murmured in my ear. "T-two" I said breathless and he leaned slightly away.

"I was trying to open a door but your hand was there and I was saying something about trying and you has this sexy I mean threatening gaze and telling me to tell you where I think I was going" I almost moaned out the ache between my legs came back and I shifted so I was straddling him and shifted a little feeling a bump against my ache and settled there feeling better.

"You were trying to escape me" he said gazing into my eyes probably not too fond of that memory. "You did for a good while but I ensured you stayed. You signed a contract, you were to stay for at least 5 months as my cook and tried to leave when I wanted more" he frowned.

"You know you want this too" he murmered against my lips. I did but I was scared of losing someone else if I let them in.

"Something  just came to me," I gazed in his eyes "I was scared of losing someone else" I said confused.

"I know love, you told me" he said a small smile on his handsome face.

I rested my head on his chest content. "Don't think I forgot, you have something else to tell me" he reminded me and I cursed under my breath.

I gave him a pleading look, he shook his head and I sighed.

"I uh had on 3 layers of clothes in the summer" I started and he chuckled probably remembering the moment.

"'You think those could help you' you had said and I had on long sleeves and pants on. I was slowly backing away from you heading to the door and you knew what I was trying to do" I continued and his grip tightened on me for a second.

"When I was a good distance away I ran  for it heading for what I'm guessing was the main exit but as I got down the last step you grabbed me pinning me to the wall" I slightly grinded on the bump loving how sexy he looked.

"You said I had to be faster then um..; that's it" I said not wanting to tell him how he ripped the clothes off me I grinded a little harder the image in my mind.

"Come on finish the story, you remember more than that" he said a slight blush on his cheek then I realised I was dry humping his cock and slowed down not wanting to stop.

"Um you unzip the jacket and ripped 2 blouses at once" I moan out speeding up a little loving how strong he is/was I don't really care.

"You want that, don't you?" He questioned holding my hips halting my movements and I whined at the loss.

I tried moving but his grip was like iron "please" I whined my voice strange to me. "I asked you a question" he said.

I nodded "yes" I whispered wanting to continue.

He released my waist but placed me away from his crotch which made me pout.

He stared into my eyes then placed his hand at the top of my t-shirt. A ripping sound echoed into the room and I moan it happening now made me even wetter.

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