21- I hate the dark#

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Song: walk on water- Thirty seconds to Mars
Que song if u want to.

We sit in the car silently. Si's sleeping. Ryder on look out, me driving and Sophie doing what ever shit she does but probably playing with Legend.

I didn't confront her or anything. I want to see what she will do. I'm keeping an owl eye on her. I dare her to do something out of line.

The sun is high in the sky shining down onto the bare road. A few zombies lurk around in fields or the road, which end up on the bumper if they are unlucky.

A town finally comes into view. A  small town  I've been through more then once when visiting. A town we used to shop at often when visiting.  A town that now holds emptiness.

Zombies shuffle through the town now. I drive to the town square where I once spent new years. People were laughing, drinking and happy but now the people are the undead. Shuffling around mindlessly looking for a new meal. Ryder shoots the zombies that are close by with a silencer.

I lean back in the seat and sigh. A zombie walks a few meters in front of the car. It turns and looks me in the eye. Shivers run down my spine as I recognise the face.

Mrs Williams from the bakery I always went to with my late Aunt. She was the most loveliest women beside my aunt and mother.  The zombie stumbles towards me with blood shot eyes that bore into my soul.

The zombie suddenly stops and falls with black blood oozing from its forehead.  I flinch at the now dead Mrs Williams.

"Hey, are you okay?" I hadn't noticed Si had woken up.

"Just fan- fucking -tastic." I grumble as I turn down a street.

End song.

"We are gonna stop for the night. We should arrive at over destination mid afternoon tomorrow. Look out for any buildings with a flat roof." I state trying to distract myself from the town.

"Who put you in charge and why are we staying on this run down town anyway?" Sophie just had to open her big mouth.

"I put me in charge and if you got a problem with that then you can get out and start your own crue with your none existing supplies. This run down town used to be beautifull but if you can find a town that's not affected by the fucking apocalypse then let me know. We are staying because travelling at night is dangerous and I don't wanna sleep on the open road but be my guest if you want to." I take a deep breath after my one breath ramble.

It's awkward quit in the car but I don't care. I'm here to survive and an awkward silence is the least of my worries.

"How about there" Ryder point from the passengers side.

"Almost perfect. Good job." I turn into what was a motel. I park the car near the back. The place looks mostly barricaded but I have a safer idea then going in. I turn off the car and jump out. I'm followed by the other three and Legend.

Si start making he's way to the door.

"Si wait!" I whisper yell

"What!" He whisper yells back.

"I got a-"


"I said I got a-"

"I can't here you!" I huff in anoyence, this whisper yelling isn't working.

I gesture with my hand for him to come back as Ryder kills a zombie that was wondering in the back.

"I have a better idea." I say when Si gets back " we grab that ladder" I point across the road at a ladder resting on the half painted shed. "and use it to climb to the top instead of venturing inside. Sounds good?"

The two boy agree while Sophie pouts. I don't have time to nurse her sulking.

"Oh and I'm gonna go look for stuff around like gas or something."

"Want me to come with?" Si asks.

"No i'm fine. I need some time alone and I know this town like the back of my hand"

"You must really pay attention to your hands then" I smile and call Legend over from where he was sniffing. That dogs going to get himself killed because of that nose.

"I'll be back before sunset. You guy set up"

"Yes mam" Sophie mumbles, turning around and opening the car. I just stare at her before looking at the boys one more time.

"Behave"  I grab the wakie before turning a corner and tip toeing down the sidewalk with Legend beside me with, of course, he's nose down.

I had collected a small amount of gas/patrol when I came across dinner. A dear. I crouch behind a car down wind and pet Legend to sit down. I take aim to shoot but out of no where, Legend sprints from beside me and at the dear. The dear turns and also start running.

"Shit!" I stand and chase after Legend shouting he's name.

We turn a corner and the dear runs into a house and Legend follows.

"Great" I mumble slowing down to the house and just then it hits me. I look around the town to confirm my suspensions. Oh no. There's an E-Zombie here and judging by how dark this house is, I think it lives here considering E-Zombies are light sensitive. No wonder we only came across such few zombies. How could I have been so dumb.

I look to the horizon. The sun hasn't touched it yet but it will anytime soon. I look towards the open door into the darkness.

"Fuck" I take out the walkie, switch it on and bring it to my mouth. What do I say at a time like this. Mayday? Houston we got a problem? I dont have time for this.

"Pila radioing in. Are you there?" Quit.

"Pila radio-"

"Big Eagle here." Si voice cuts in. Big eagle? Wow. We'll talk about that later.

"Beware. E-Zombie around. I'm fine, just need to fetch Legend and maybe dinner."

"Dinner?  Do you need someone there? Over." I think.

"Yah, that'll help. I'm at the far end of town by the liqure store."

"We will send someone there sargent. Just hold on. Big eagle out" the wakie goes quit so I put it away.

I look back into the dark house and remember something.

"Thank the heavens above." I sigh pulling out the torch I used when I was in the barnhouse.

Sometimes I feel so lucky, but sometime I feel like the world is against me. Like now as I walk quietly into the dark house.

I'm not scared of the dark

I'm scared of what's in it

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