23- relization*

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When we arrived back the sun was just setting. Si and Sophie climb down the ladder with supplies. I get off Ryder but still lean most my weight on him with an arm slung across he's waist because he's shoulders are to high.

"How did you know?" I frown.

"Ryder radioed in" Sophie answers while packing the car with the last of out stuff, she then goes over to Legend and checks him over.

"He's been bitten." Sophie shouts over. I sigh, disappointed I wasn't able to save him but we don't know how the virus acts on dogs so we may have a chance.

"Put him in the car"

Si jogs over to us.

"Gee Roobie. Are you alright!? You gotta stop doing this to me." He inspects my injuries.

"How bad is it?"

"I think a sprained wrist, a really sore ankle, lots of bruises and cuts and a fucking bad headache." Si smiles and sticks a hand out for me.

"Ryders driving so I'll help you."

"Don't worry I got her" Ryder pulls me into his chest which makes me hiss because a bruise got touched.

"Your hurting her. I'll take her. Your driving." Si glares at Ryder.

"I. Got. It. Back off."

"You back off." Si take a threatening step forward. What did I miss when I was gone?

"Can you guys shut the hell up. I already have a headache and we need to leave this damn place before night fall incase there are more E-zombies. Ryder, your driving. Thank you Sophie for packing. Si, get me to the back seat." Si steps forward and puts an arm around my waist whilst I put my arm around he's shoulders cause he's not that much taller.

We make our way to the back seat. Sophie sits in the front with Ryder driving. Si and I at the back.

I grunt as I struggle my way inside with Si's help.

Once we're all in, Ryder starts the car and drives out the town.

"Drive straight all the way." Ryder says nothing but just nods.

I lean my head on the cooling window and look out into the dark fields. The sun is almost over the horizon  when's a thought occurs.

I almost died and the thing is, that's not my biggest concern. My biggest concern is how the group would have been left behind. This past week I have grown almost attached to them, even Sophie but mostly Si and Ryder. 

I've been alone for two years and having company is well, nice. I actually like the company more than I thought. I never had many friends before the epocalypse or even a big family and this past week, these people have become almost my life line. The times Si and Ryder have saved me is surprising. I should be long dead if it wasn't for the two and maybe even Sophie. And just like that I had a thought.

Like a brick hit me in the face. Like the moment you jump into a freezing pool and your body has a slight spasm. Like when you fall flat on your back from a high place and the air leaves your lungs.

I have a crush on Ryder

And Si.

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