Summer Camp // 5 Seconds of Summer

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Never would I dream of spending the summer after I graduated at a rundown music camp called Camp Allegro.

I had gone every year until my Freshman year.

And the night before my trip to Cali, I got the call. "Naomi?"

"Yeah, this is her." I responded, zipping up my bag.

"Naomi! I don't know if you remember me, but we were camp buddies at Camp Allegro. This is Kat Marshal." Kat Marshal was my best friend every year that I went to camp. We were inseparable.

"Oh my god, Kat! I haven't seen you since middle school. What's new with you?" I asked her, switching ears.

"Right, well that's what I wanted to talk to you about." she sighed. "We need one more counselor and I remember how much fun we used to have as kids and we've called almost everyone we could think of and nobody can do it."

"I'd love to, but I'm leaving for LA in the morning. I really hope you can find someone, though." I tell her.

"Wait, Naomi. Listen. These kids really need someone and I know you'd be the perfect person to do this. Remember all the times you'd take your guitar down to the pavilion and I sang and people would come and listen? If we don't find someone, I don't know what we're going to do."

"Kat, I-" I pulled the phone away from my ear and sighed, closing my eyes.

"Think about it. Okay?" she said. "Bye."

And somehow, I didn't drive to the airport the next morning.

Somehow, I ended up at Camp Allegro.


I rolled my suitcase down the concrete pathway leading to the cafeteria.

"That's right! March, march, march, march. Who's the cool team?"

I looked to see where the yelling was coming from.

A tall boy with wavy light brown hair and a bandana tied around his head marched in front of the young kids. "Ashton's team!" they shouted.

"Mr. Ashton!" a young girl raised her hand. She looked maybe six. He bent down and put his hands on his knees. "Yes, Miss Emma?"

"Why do we have to march?" she asked, her small voice barely audible from where I was standing.

"Because.. " he thought for a moment. "Marching makes your legs strong so we can beat the other teams!" he winked at her and stood back up. "Alright! Let's go!" he shouted.

"Naomi!" Kat called as she ran to me. "I can't believe you came! We are saved." she carried a list of names and a map of the cabins. "Come with me!" she dragged me behind her.

"Who's bandana boy?" I asked her as we walked toward the golf cart parked next to the cafeteria. She looked behind us and smiled. "That's Ashton Irwin. He's been a counselor for a couple of years.The kids love him. "

"He's a cutie." I told her staring at him.

"Isn't he, though? You should see him with his shirt off." Kat bit her lip and climbed into the golf cart. "Your kids are in Mobley cabin with one of the volunteers. We were kind of freaking out until you got here. I really am glad you decided to come."

We rode up the hill to the log cabin on the left side. The cabin on the right had a big sign in front of it that read, 'Michael's Cabin'.

"Wait, isn't Michael that annoying kid that used to get in trouble all the time? Is that the same Michael?" I asked Kat. She laughed. "Yep, that's him. He's changed a lot."


"Oh, you'll see him eventually." she said as we walked into my cabin. I honestly couldn't believe I was actually doing this. I was greeted with five pairs of eyes staring up at me.

"Kids, this is your counselor, Miss Naomi!" Kat gestured toward me.

They sat quietly with their legs crossed and one of them yawned. Great. "It's all you, Omi." Kat whispered before leaving me alone with the kids.

"Um, Hi!" I waved. "How about we start off by saying our names?"

"How come there's only five of us?" a younger boy asked. "Are we the leftovers? One of Michael's kids said we're leftovers."

"No! We're not leftovers. We're the exclusive team, duh!" I said, trying to bring up the mood.

A girl who looked to be seven or eight put her chin in her hands and sighed. "I want to be on Mr. Luke's team!"

"Alright, guys..and girls. It doesn't matter what Michael's team says or what Luke's team does, we're going to be the best team ever." I sat down on the floor. They kept the same blank expression. "I brought candy." I told them.

Their faces lit up and sat up straight. "What kind?" one of the boys questioned.

"That's not important right now. What's important is knowing who everyone is, so you start. Name and age." I pointed to the freckle faced boy sitting next to me, that had asked about the candy. "I'm Kevin. I'm ten."

"I'm Lily, I'm seven." the girl who spoke earlier looked down at her hands. Her hair was light brown and stopped just above her shoulders.

"My name is Charlie and I'm twelve." Charlie looked to be the oldest girl in the cabin and her eyes were a bright green.

"Arielle. I turn 11 next week and my mom dropped me off at the wrong camp. I was supposed to go to space camp and she got the address wrong."

"I'm sorry, Arielle. I'm sure this camp will be just as fun." I smiled. She rolled her eyes. "I doubt it."

"I'm Cornelius, but everyone calls me Cory. I'm eight and a half." his blue eyes contrasted with his dark skin and hair.

"And you all know that I'm Naomi!"

"You're pretty." Kevin said, blushing.

"Thank you, Kevin." I smiled. "Now, we may only be an army of six, but six is enough to defeat them. Let's get out there and show those other teams what we can do." I stood up and took the clipboard hanging on the wall next to the door. The clipboard told us where we needed to be a what time.

We needed to head to the cafeteria.

As we left the cabin, the team next door marched out of theirs. The kids were louder than mine and there was almost twice as many. A green haired man followed behind them.

"Michael?!" I yelled. He turned toward me. He had matured greatly since middle school. This wasn't the same kid.

"Wait, Naomi? You're a counselor this year?" he laughed scanning up and down my body.
"Wow. You grew up." he stated.

"You did too."

"Oh and by the way, I don't appreciate your teams mates harrassing mine, okay? We are not leftovers. Right, team?" I asked them.

A few quiet 'yeah's came from behind me. Michael glared at one of the older boys. "What? I didn't call them that!" he defended himself.

We walked down the steep hill and greeted the other teams. There were six altogether. I glanced at each of the cabin leaders, but my eyes lingered on tall blonde boy. Then it hit me.

Luke Hemmings.

My camp sweetheart in seventh grade.


SO i wanted to keep going since we havent seen the other teams, but it was getting long for the first chapter so yeah. A lot of people on my instagram wanted to read a fanfic like this and I think It will be adorable.

What do you guys think so far?

I'm still not sure who i picture Naomi to be, yet but we'll see!

Love Love Love

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