Mother dear

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School was monotonous yet hectic. There wasn't a single free class because of the preperation of exams and by the time I got out, I was exhausted. My bag weighed down from the load of all the books and I was dying to rest in Ashton's arms.

Ever since his call in the morning he hadn't replied even once and I was ready to attack him wherever I saw him.

Making a bee line for our bench I saw Ashton sitting there with Shenae.

"Hey babe" I said kissing Ashton on the cheek and moving his arm so I could sit on his lap.

"Why weren't you in class?" I asked Shenae and she shrugged. " Ashton was bored I decided to give him some company" she said.

"I'll get going now" she smiled at Ashton and ignoring the clawing inside my chest I nestled my head in the hollow of his neck.

"I am so tired" I groaned.

"You could have called me if you were awake all night" Ashton said and I flinched at his tone. It wasn't rude but it wasn't warm the way I was used to.

"What's up?" I questioned studying his face. His eyes were guarded and he refused to look at me for more than a few seconds.

"Nothing. Just tired" he said staring off in space.

"I won't be coming to school this often. I need to stay home and study" I said and he just nodded.

"There's a very obvious line between tired and pissed Ashton" I said getting edgy.

"Mesha told you that?" he asked and I just stared at him as everything clicked into place.

"What the hell Ashton? You're being like this because I was with a friend?" I asked getting pissed myself.

"It's more of a question of who and not where" he said moving me from his lap as he walked to the basketball court.

I sat there speechless, staring at his distant figure. What the hell had just happened?

I ran home right after that couldn't stop crying. As stupid as it sounded and as often as I laughed at girls crying over guys I couldn't stop crying. The feeling of your chest being crushed and it seems like you will die of pain. That was new to me.

I was sitting on my bed crying silently, wishing the pain would go away.

My phone buzzed and I dashed to the dressing table. As pathetic as I had become in the hope of Ashton calling I quickly pressed it to my ear.

"Natasha?" a girl said and I cleared my throat trying to fix my voice.

"Who is it?" I asked wishing whoever it was would just go away.

"It's Rebecca. Ashton's sister" she said and my eyes flew wide open.

"What's wrong? is Ashton okay?" I asked horrified that something had happened to him.

"No no he's fine honey. Relax" she assured me and I let out a relieved sigh.

"Adam and I are having a brunch at our place before we go for our honeymoon and I would really like for you to come. It's mainly family but we're allowed to bring dates" she said. "Except Ian" she added as an after thought and I chuckled.

"Why not him?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Sweetie it's best if you don't know that. Let your imagination run wild and even then you won't be able to imagine why" she and I laughed. It was a throaty laugh but I was glad she didn't question it.

"So can I count you in?" she asked and I mumbled something about asking my mom.

"Just tell Ashton whenever you can confirm it" she said ending my discomfort.

As she ended the call, I was glad that the ache had finally died down. I knew I had to call Ashton but decided to see my mum before that.

"What is that?" I asked horrified, seeing her dissecting a fish. Let me clarify, a fish with it's head attached as it stared at me with those evil golden eyes.

"This is dinner" she said and I continued to have a staring match with the fish. After 5 minutes I decided it was dead and I would never win. Admitting defeat, my slightly....actually my much less graceful side kicked in and I shoved my hand inside the fish's mouth testing how far I could go pun intended. It was the opposite side for crying out loud.

It took my mom one minute to see what I was doing and another thirty seconds to come out of shock before she banned me from the kitchen.

Thankfully, by the time my mom served it, it was sliced and eye free. I'm not sure if she did that to save the fish from a staring contest, protect my sanity or maybe just her own. Regardless of all that I made a mental note of saying goodbye to the fish in the trash. She had been a good competitor.

"Natasha there was a file under the shoe rack near stairs. Have you seen it?" she asked.

"Your hospital file" I blurted and my mom's fork clattered. My own fork stood frozen as the tension grew in the air. I wanted to throw up under her piercing gaze.

"How do you know what was in it?" she asked and I lowered my gaze to my plate.

"I just-" I stuttered trying to gather the courage to speak up.

"Do you know what's in it?" she asked silently and I nodded.

"And?" she said in the same tone.

"And what ma?" I said finally looking up.

"If that's any comfort that I now have an excuse for the things you say to me that shred my insides then yeah sure. Do I lay awake at night wondering if you did mean them? Then yeah that too. Does that make me wonder if I had anything to do with this? Sure. I'm human I will blame myself. Do I worry about what might set you off? Yeah mom. So what exactly do you mean by and?" I said looking everywhere but at the woman who was sitting in front of me.

"I don't know why I say what I say. No. This happening had nothing to do with you. On the contrary you are so forgiving. In spite of the things I say here you are making me crack up. You light up my world Natasha. I am sorry for the hardships life has thrown your way but darling you are a very very strong girl" she said and I realised my cheeks were wet.

"I love you baby. I may not say it but I love you so so much" she said getting up and hugging me. I choked on my tears and sobs broke free as we both held each other relishing the bond we had. I knew that no matter what happened tomorrow or the day after that, there was a new fire in me. I would be her punching bag. If my forgiveness was all she needed she could have it all. And more.

Stumbling to my room, I saw a missed call from Ashton and fresh tears started to stream down my face. Dialing his number with every ring my stomach tightened and I was hating the fish even more by the second.

"Hey" I heard his voice and all composure broke and I sobbed pathetically.

"Natasha?" he gasped shocked.

"What's wrong baby? What happened?" he said, his voice getting more and more franctic.

"I'm coming to see you right now" he said and I heard commotion in the back.

"It's late I can't Ashton" I sobbed.

"I don't care. Sneak out" he said and as the pain in my chest grew I agreed. Knowing how incredibly stupid my action was I still agreed.

Soooo I got into my dream university and my dream course and I feel so blessed. I'm ecstatic and I'm just waiting for the final list to be uploaded.

Probably just 5 to 6 more chapters of this part.

And who do you picture as Tasha's mom?

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