Chapter 5- Morgan-

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Chapter 5- Morgan-

He can chase all he wants to, but he's not going to catch me! That's what I have to tell myself as I go down to the lobby for the fifth time to find him and some kid talking to people around there. I groan and walk to the vending machine. This time I get Oreos. They're about to fall out when they stop. No, no, no! I have to get back to my room before the clowns see me! I start to kick the machine as hard as I can with my flip flop. But the stupid Oreos won't come out. Fine, have it your way! I think to the Oreos.

I just put in another dollar and two packets drop down. I quickly snatch them up and walk towards the elevator. Wait... Where did the boy detectives go? I don't know, but I'm getting out of here!

I quickly hop into the elevator next to Carl, the crazy old dude who works the elevator when Jerry gets time off. The whole way up to the seventh floor, he just states at me. It gives me chills.

Finally, after what seems like forever, we get to the seventh floor and I quickly walk to my apartment. I shut the door and lean against it, breathing a sigh of relief to be away from everything.

"Hey." A voice startles me and I jump about three feet in the air. Kyle is sitting on the couch throwing my ball into the air. I grind my teeth together, walk over, and snatch the ball out of the air. He looks surprised for a second before he smirks at me.

"Breaking and entering. A new level of stalker for you." I growl at him. I look around to see the kid he was with standing by the table, sketching our fruit.

"Don't worry, he always does that." I look back to Kyle in time to see him roll his eyes. The boys head darts up and he runs over to me.

"Matthew Mason. Nice to meet you!" his eyes light up as he holds out his hand for me to shake. I actually smile a bit as I shake it. People aren't that excited to meet you when your normal.

"So you're his brother? Do you think your a detective too?"

"Nah, he paid me forty dollars to help." he smirks at his older brother.

I laugh. Kyle glares at both of us.

"But seriously, how did you get in my hotel?"

"Your grandmother let us in," Kyle says, jerking a finger in the direction of the computer. I sigh and nod.

"Well, I was just about to go out."

"Didn't you just come in?"

"Well, yeah..." think of something Morgan! You're smarter than them! "I was just getting a snack."

"Mhm." he says, not sounding convinced. He glances over my shoulder and I see Matthew rapidly sketching something in his book. "So where are you going?" Kyle asks, making me look back at him.

I say the first thing that comes into my head. Of course this is the place I've been wanting to go to for months if it wasn't because of the cold. Of course it was insane.

"The beach." I blurt out.

"The beach? In this weather?"

"Yeah!" I wave my hand like I do it all the time. "I have to keep my tan during to summer! And I just love the beach so I thought, why don't I go while I have time off of school?"

"Mhm..." Why does he say that so much?

"So if you'll just excuse me.." I step around the couch and go to my room. I lock the door behind me, hoping they'll leave and I won't have to go to the beach. I change out of my pajamas into something warmer, just in case. I put on my pink top that I got yesterday, a pink Aeropostale jacket, and some jeans. I make sure to have on my extra fuzzy socks with some tennis shoes. I throw the Oreos and a blanket into my purse and walk out of my bedroom. I'm hoping they're gone so I won't have to go to the beach. Of course, they're still there.

"So you're really going?" Kyle asks. I gulp an nod. He smirks at me.

"Actually, Matthew and I were just about to head to the beach. Mind giving us a ride?"

They can't figure you out. They can't figure you out, I chant in my head. They're not smart enough.

"Sure." I say through gritted teeth. Show them I have nothing to hide.

"Great!" Kyle smiles, getting up.

I sigh and lead them out to the parking lot where I have my car.

"So, both of you get in the back." I say, jumping in the front.

Despite my orders, Kyle sits in the front seat.

"I told you to sit in the back."

"I'm too old to sit in the back." he continues to smirk as he lays his seat back, propping his feet on the dashboard. I swat at them.

"Get your feet off my freakin' dashboard!" I growl. He snickers, obviously enjoying this and puts his feet down.

I sign as I start the car. Great. I guess I'm really going to the beach..

For a while everything is silent. Kyle plays on his iPhone, Matthew sketches rapidly (though I've yet to figure out what it is he's sketching), and I drive. About halfway there, I'm so bored and annoyed by these two boys stalking me, that I need some tunes to get my mind off of it. I crank up the radio, flipping through the stations until I find my favorite song. I sing along, ignoring the two boys now staring at me. Not being able to see anything with my sunglasses on this dreary day, I take them off. Hopefully they won't notice I'm wearing the brown contacts.

"I never noticed you have brown eyes." Kyle says. I glance over at him. His eyebrows are pulled together and he looks deep in thought. I look in the mirror to see Matthew flipping through his pages and continueing to sketch. Does that boy do anything else?

"Well that's because I really like my sunglasses." a smirk flashes onto my face for a second as a lie comes into my head. "And I hate my brown eyes. I got some colored contacts for my friend and I'm thinking about getting some too. Do you think I should get colored contacts?"

"No," Matthew speaks up from the back. "Your brown eyes look fine."

How does he know? He hasn't looked up from his sketch book long enough to see my eyes.

"Suuuure." I say as I finally see it. The beach. If it wasn't so gray, from here I would think it was summer. Nice warm summer.

But as soon as I grab my bag and step out of the car, my sunny fantasy is gone, replaced by the cold, icy reality. I set my blanket out and sit down, just watching the waves.

"So, why did you want to come here again?" Kyle asks, sitting down beside me. I shrug.

"Winter gets too boring. I miss summer and the beach." then like a lightning bolt, a memory comes back to me. "This actually isn't the first time I've come to the beach during the winter."

"You've been this stupid before?"

I smile a little and punch his shoulder playfully. "Yeah. One day when I was five, I really wanted to go to the beach. I finally begged enough that my dad packed up the car and took me to the beach. We stayed there all day in the freezing cold. It was one of the best days I ever had. Even though I got sick the next day." I laugh, remembering. My eyes have tears in them. I should stop crying or my tears will freeze. Right when I think that, something hits my nose. It isn't rain or my tears so I start to smile as I look up at the sky. Snow.

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