Chapter 12- Kyle-

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Chapter 12- Kyle-

I take a deep breath, running my hand through my hair as I dig in my closet. Izzy needs something to wear since she probably can't stay in her soaking wet and cold clothes. I'm trying not to find anything too big. I pull out a grey shirt with some football logo on it. This will do. Maybe she'll think I'm into sports more than school. I grab the smallest shorts I can find before forcing myself in the hallway.

I still can't believe Izzy's in my house. My bathroom. My shower! I shake my head, missing the short person in front of me. Apparently Matthew didn't see me either so we both run right into each other. 

"Watch it, dude!" Matthew yells, starting to pick up his art supplies. Then he groans when he sees a spreading blue blob on the floor. "Mom's going to kill you."

"Me?!" I ask."You ran into me!"

"Suuuure, Kyle." He shakes his head, smirking at me. I sigh and get up, gathering the clothes I got Izzy."What're you doing with those clothes?" Matthew asks.

"Um, uh. No reason." I say, trying to play it cool. I have no idea what Matthew would do if Izzy was here.

"And what's with the shower? Is Mom back?" He looks excitedly towards the bathroom. Probably so he can show her the blue paint stain I made.

"No," I sigh. "It's Izzy."

His head whips around to me and his eyes widen. Oh no...

"Izzy's here?! Now I can show her the new pictures I did of her!" He flips through his notebook, dropping a few things from his arms along the way. 

"Nooo." I say. Starting to push him towards his door. "Leave her alone. She looks like she's had a rough night."

"Fine," He huffs and rolls his eyes. I'll have to watch him tonight.

I wait until his door clicks shut before I walk to the bathroom door. I faintly hear what sounds like humming from inside. I start to put the clothes down by the door but before I know it, I'm walking inside and setting the clothes on the toilet seat. Izzy isn't just humming, she's full on singing. Practically yelling.

Then I see something. I think I see a glimpse of her blonde hair by her clothes. I'm walking over to look when the shower turns off and the singing stops. I don't even look behind me as I run out of there like I'm being chased. Imagine if Izzy saw me... She'd think I was some crazy stalker! I shake my head as I run into my room and hide there. I try to do normal things while I wait for her. I listen to my headphones a bit. I reorganize my books. I look through the pictures of Izzy Matthew gave me. There's just something about one of the pictures. The one in black and white. Something inside me keeps bringing me back to it. 

In it, Izzy looks like a dark goddess. Matthew darkly sketched over her light hair. Her clothes and face looks dark, too. The only thing that doesn't look dark is her eyes. Strangely, that's the thing that should be dark. They look like they should be green or blue when they're actually brown. I shake my head just as a knocking on the door startles me.

I throw the notebook under my bed and grab a random book off my shelf. I barely gasp out "Come in!" as I jump on my bed. Izzy enters in the gray t-shirt and I remember to flip the book over so it doesn't look like I'm reading upside down. Then my eyes widen as she comes to sit on the edge of the bed. The shirt is definitely too big for her. It almost goes down to her knees, completely covering the shorts. I resist the urge to smack my head and say "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

"What're you doing?" Izzy asks, her eyes wondering about my room.

I shrug like I was doing nothing weird. Nothing like looking at her picture or anything. "Um, nothing. Want me to show you to the guest bedroom?" I'm eager to get her out of my room and away from the picture.

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