Chapter 6- Kyle-

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Chapter 6- Kyle-

We're actually going to the beach. I can't believe we are going to the freakin' beach in December! Is this girl crazy or what? So, to recap, I'm stuck in a car with hot girl and my brother going to the beach in December. Sounds like any guys dream, right? Would be if the hot girl wasn't a phyco killer. 

I jump when Izzy turns the radio on, flipping through the stations. I'm about to say something when she finds a popular song and squeals, a huge smile stretching across her face. She starts singing along to it. To say he was acting crazy is an understatement. She's jumping around in her seat, waving we hands (while she's driving!), and singing like a maniac. But the thing that keeps me quiet is her singing. It's actually really good. Her voice flows with the music, hitting the exact pitches in the song. I just stare open-mouthed. I glance back at Matthew and we actually look like brothers at that moment. 

Izzy stops singing for a minute and looks mad. Oh no. This is when he goes killer crazy. Instead, she shakes her head, ripping her sunglasses off. She smooths her already smooth blonde hair, and smiles.

"That's better," I hear her mumble.

Something shocks me. It feels like I've literally been shocked.

"I never noticed you have brown eyes," I say, not even thinking. It sounds like someone else said it, so I glance back at Matthew. But he's as quiet as ever, digging through his backpack for something. He then start rapidly flipping though pages. What the heck is he doing?

"Well that's because I really like my sunglasses," Izzy says, making me turn back to meet her brown eyes. They study me, sending electricity through my bones again. "And I hate my brown eyes. I got some colored contacts for my friend and I'm thinking about getting some too. Do you think I should get colored contacts?"

I'm frozen, her eyes still looking at me. When they turn to Matthew, I'm released. Is that why she got them? I shake my head, trying to focus. Trying to remember she's a killer. Or is she trying to cover up killing Morgan?

"No," Matthew says. "Your brown eyes look fine." 

"Suuuure," Izzy says as she stops the car. I look out the window and see the beach. My family goes to this beach every summer. Usually it's packed, everyone trying to get a spot in the sun. Izzy grabs her bag and opens the door. Then I realize why no one's here. Duh, it's freakin' December!

I hesitantly get out of the car and follow Izzy to where she's set out a blanket. I sit down beside her, taking in the sight of the crashing waves. I can't imagine how cold the water is. Probably, like, Titanic cold.

"So why did you want to come here again?" I ask her. Why would she want to come to a place so cold. I admit, the sight is beautiful without all the people crowding it, but I can't feel my fingers anymore.

She shrugs. "Winter gets too boring. I miss summer and the beach." she pauses or a second. "This actually isn't the first time I've come to the each durning the winter."

"You've been this stupid before?" I laugh. She turns to me, her nose and cheeks rosy. She punches my shoulder. 

"Yeah. One day when I was five, I really wanted to go to the beach. I finally begged enough that my dad packed up the car and took me to the beach. We stayed there all day in the freezing cold. It was one of the best days I ever had. Even though I sick the next day." she laughs. Tears roll slowly down her cheeks.

Okay, this is weird and don't judge me but... I have the urge to touch her face. To wipe away the tears. My hand reaches forward against my will, about to touch her cheek when something else does. A snowflake. It drifts slowly down until it hits her cheek as melts away in an instant. She looks up smiling, and I get control of my hand again, yanking it away.

"Look it's snowing!" Izzy yells out, sounding like a little girl. She giggles and gets up, running around. I gaze around me as the biggest snowflakes I've ever seen get caught in her hair and eyelashes. What just happened? I glance over at Matthew to see if he saw what I almost just did, but he's gazing around at the snow as well.

"Come on, guys!" Izzy yells, jumping around. I laugh, getting up and following her. We all run around, even Matthew, for about an hour. Then we start making a sandcastle. A sandcastle in December. Who knew?


Later, as I stare at my ceiling, thinking about my day, Matthew comes running into the room. 

"I have created a masterpiece!" He yells, smiling more than I've ever seen him smile. He holds out his sacred sketch pad to me. I stare at it, waiting for him to yanking it back and tell me not to touch it. But he actually hands it to me and allows me to flip through it. 

The first few pictures are of fruit and other boring things, then I see a picture of Izzy in black and white. I flip to the next to see the back of her head in the car from Matthew's point of view. The other pictures show us sitting on the blanket, looking out at the waves. One even shows my hand hovering in midair, about to touch Izzy's cheek. So he caught that... Instead of teasing me, he looks anxiously at each picture. All the pictures look professionally drawn, like we're about to pop out of the pictures. The last picture is of Izzy in full color, her brown eyes smiling at us. It looks so lifelike that its all I can do not to touch her to see if she'll move. But what catches me again, is the electric shot that again runs through my bones as I look at her. What's wrong with me?

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