Chapter 13- Morgan-

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Chapter 13- Morgan-

I freeze, tears springing to my wide eyes. 

"Wha-what?" I stutter. But he doesn't react to my tears, staring at me with cold, unforgiving eyes. He just hands me two pictures as I look at them. They're me. 

I'm about to smile and play it off like I have no idea what he's talking about. Maybe even say, "Stalker much?", but all that comes out is a strangled squeak.

"It's... It's me," I whisper.

"Yes, it's you, Morgan." He practically growls my real name.

I wince, knowing what's coming next. He's going to kick me out. Maybe turn me in. I don't know what, but it's bad.

I close my eyes, waiting for him to deliver the blow. Tell me to get out and never come back. Before I know it, tears are slipping out of my closed eyes. I can't look at Kyle. I can't face his anger.

"Please just tell me why, Morgan. That's all I want to know." He doesn't sound angry anymore, just sad. I open my eyes and can barely see his dark hair passed all my tears. His usual frozen blue eyes are now melted with sadness. It almost seems like they're raining.

"It-it's a lot to explain." I take in a shuddering breath, sitting down on the bed. Surprisingly, Kyle shuts the door and comes to sit beside me. Looking up in shock, he takes my hand, stroking his finger down it. I shiver, electric tingles shooting from his finger to up and down my spine.

"I've got time," he whispers. Sighing, I stand up. He's about I follow but I signal to him to stay. I walk over the the mirror in the room, taking off my blonde wig and letting my soft brown hair down. In the reflection, I see Kyle's eyes widen like he knew it but he still didn't believe it. Carefully taking my contacts out, I just throw them in the trash. I have a feeling whether or not this ends well, I won't be needing them again. Then, I turn back to him, fully me. Fully Morgan Turner.


"Are you sure about this?" I whisper to Kyle again, pulling the scarf tighter around my head. We were on the bus, heading for my hotel. You wanna know why we were on the bus? Kyle has a crazy idea. Knowing Kyle, none of his ideas are really that good.

He had thought of it when I finished telling him my story. He told me then we were going to tell Matthew. Well, when we opened the door, Matthew fell through. I had glared at him as he got up, trying to stutter an explanation. Then, when he looked at me, his eyes went huge. I swear I've never seen anyone's eyes go so big. Then, right there in front of us, he fainted. Apparently the shock was too much for him. And what do I, a devoted friend, and Kyle, a loving brother do? We start laughing at him. The way he looked so scared of me. So we left him there to figure out what happened while we took off to my hotel.

"Stop being so worried, Morgan," I shush him, slapping my hand over him mouth. He just rolls his eyes at me. He then pries my hand off his mouth. "It's going to be fine." He takes my hand again and I feel a little better.

Then, my stomach seems to do a flip like when I'm about to go on a roller coaster. We have arrived at the hotel. Kyle has to push me out of the bus. Then he has to push me again as we walk up to it. Pretending to try and open it, I say, "Well, it's locked. Looks like nobody's home.".

He rolls his eyes at me again, pulling to door open and shoving me in. I stumble in, my heart beating so loud I'm afraid someone will hear. It reminds me of this story I read by Edgar Allen something. It was called the Tell-Tale Heart and the dude had just murdered some man for his eye (I heard this dude was insane. Up to this day I still have no idea why I read it). So when the cops came, he could hear the dead man's heart and was wondering why no one else could. That's what it feels like know. I can hear my heartbeat so loud that it should be shaking the building. Like it's driving me insane. Why isn't it shaking the walls? Why isn't everyone looking at me, wondering why my heartbeat is so loud?

I'm jolted out of my thoughts when Kyle waves a hand in front of my face. 

"Earth to Morgan. Come in Morgan." I jump, swatting his hand away. Then he leans close, whispering in my ear. "Are you ready for this?"

No, I want to say. But I gulp down my fears, nodding my head. I start to reach to uncover my hair, but his hand stops me.

"I, uh, I just want to say that you're very brave for doing this." Kyle sort of blushes.

I smile at him. Then I do something that proves I drove myself insane. I don't know what's going to happen after this so I guess that's why I did it. I grab his face with both my hands, and pull his lips to mine. He doesn't kiss me back for a second and I'm almost worried he won't. Then, his arms wrap around me, pulling me tighter to him. I don't know how long this goes on. I'm almost out of breath but I don't care. I care feel people's eyes staring at me like lasers but I don't care. That's the thing. I just don't care anymore. I don't even care when Kyle reaches up and pulls the scarf out my hair. I can almost hear gasps around me as they recognize the dark brown hair.

But I still don't care. I just smile into Kyle's lips, enjoying the moment.


Okay, okay, okay. Short, I know. But can you forgive me because of the kiss? I'm winding down on it so the next chapter or two will be pretty short. So, vote and comment, please. Oh, and also could you do me a favor by voting for my Watty Awards entry? It's a Hunger Games fanfiction called Real or Not Real? It would mean the world to me if you did that! SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! And I may mention you in the Author's Note at the end of this! SO PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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