Chapter 4

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(got bored so i decided to write)

Chapter 4

I was woken up by my alarm clock at 7:30. Even thought it was early, I was excited. Today is the day i meet the owner of the dancing/singing studio where i will practice, and teach. I had dreams about it last night, just thinking about it makes me smile!

I got out of bed, showered quickly, put on spankies, and a sports bra with a loose jacket over it. I put my hair in a pony so it was out of the way and then I grabbed my music, dance bag, phone, keys, and wallet before walking downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a healthy granola bar, and a fiber shake and made my way to the studio by 9:30. I walked in the building to the front and told the women who i was she told me that the owner of the singing part and dancing part were busy but that i could start warming up, stretching, and practicing while i was waiting. She directed me to one of the biggest dance studios ive ever seen and i immediatly smiled. I said thank you and put down my sttuff. I walked to the stereo, plugged in my ipod, and started warming up/ stretching to one direction, katy perry, etc. I then did a quick ab workout to get outta your mind before changing it to slower music to do my ballet/lyrical warm up. I then changed the song to love story by taylor swift and started my dance that i would be showing to the owners later. I was just finishing the dance when i heard tons of applause. I turned around to be face to face with none other than... One Direction! along with Simon Cowell(owner of singing part) and I think her name was jennifer(owner of dancing part). I started blushing like mad and turned away so they would not see.

I guess they enjoyed it because all of them said things like 'wow' or 'you are amazing'. Simon and Jeniffer told me i could keep dancing but to come back tomorrow for a meeting as they had questions for me. Simon also turned to the boys ad told them to be there. I thought to myself why? but quickly shrugged it off, as he maybe just wanted their opinions. Simon and Jeniffer left which meant that i was alone with One DIrection!!!!!! I was fangirling inside but i kept calm as they talked to me but i was in shock and not paying attention, until my thoughts were interrupted by a hand waving in wront of my face, and a very cute looking Niall Horan standing in front of me.

"oh sorry!", i said before blushing anmd turning away.

All the boys said, "dont worry about it," in their accents which made me melt.

Niall then whispered in my ear, "your cute when you blush, you dont know how beautiful you are,"  which opf course did not help my blushing situation, and at this point i was pretty sure i looked like a tomato. The boys then said they had to go to a signing but that they would see me tomorrow. I gave them all hugs, and then they walked out the doors, leaving me stand there shocked. After realizing what just happened, i waited a few minutes before letting out the scream i had been holding in. I jumped aroung like a freak and screamed and fangirled. I just met One Direction!! I heard the front desk lady laughing and just smiled before grabbing my stuff  and leaving.

I then thought about it and said maybe, just maybe, i met some new friends, and hey that would NOT be a bad thing especially since they are world famous, extremely hot and talented, and their name? oh yeah. ONE DIRECTION! I LOVE THEM!

*Authors Note*

Hey guys, I hope that was a better chapter!  I enjoyed writing it :) please comment or vote! have a good day/night! :) oh and pic of dance studio is on the right, its alot bigger though. imagine that size times like 4! :)

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