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Phoenix Fire’s POV

Come on, it’s party time. Let us in.’ I heard a girls voice from down stairs. I wore the dress Adrian gave me after finishing my shower.

‘No, I’m busy tonight. So you can get yourself out of my house and go towards Max’s house.’ I heard Adrian reply.

I looked at the mirrors reflection and smiled myself. My messy hair was in a bun and the dress looked beautiful on me. It hugged tight to my body then go loosely released as it went down and ended to my knee. It was red in colour. I sighed and opened the door, going down the stairs and saw a young women sitting on the couch. Adrian was in front of her standing and it seemed like he was convincing his friend to leave the house.

When he saw me I smiled. He didn’t return the smile and came towards me. The girl sitting on the couch looked at me and shock took over her.

‘So this is why you are acting so weird!’ she shot up from the couch and ran towards me. Adrian ignored her and face palmed. ‘Hey, nice to meet you, my name is Alice and I’m a friend of Adrian’s’ she said and shook my hand.

She was wearing shorts and a no-sleeved shirt. I saw some bear bottles on the table and thought that Alice just brought them.

‘I told Max and Tiff and Davy to come over here, its ok with you right?’ she asked him but continued before he could say anything. ‘Thanks, hey what was your name again?’ chatterbox freak. I commented on her.

‘She can’t speak, and her name is Fiona.’ Adrian lied and walks towards the kitchen passing me.

I know right, she doesn’t leave me alone and she is a chatterbox freak. I can never argue with that one. Adrian replied to my comment.

I sat on the couch and heard a knock on the door.

‘They are here!’ Alice sang and danced towards the door and opened it, and came in two boys with a girl. ‘Come on in guys.’

‘Hey guys.’ Adrian greeted them in.

I watched them carefully as they stepped in to the house and laughed and made jokes a little. I watched them enjoy themselves until they saw me sitting on the couch. I realized Max was one of them.

‘Who is this?’ the guy with the brunette hair and dark brown eyes came over me and asked.

‘Adrian says her name is Fiona and that she can’t speak.’ Alice said looking over me with a powerful smirk on her face.

‘Shame, she’s got such a pretty face.’ He said and Max and Adrian exchanged a glance. ‘And why is she here?’

‘She is my friend, and she has been my friend for a very long time. And she just came over to a sleepover.’ Adrian said and took my hand guiding me to stand up. This is very uncomfortable. ‘Fiona I want you to meet Davy, and that’s Tiff, and I believe you have already met Alice and Max. Now go upstairs and go to bed.’ He said to me as if I was his daughter.

Hell no. I’m not your baby, Adrian.

‘Well great, we came here to sleepover too. And we are here to rock and roll so you won’t get bored!’ Alice said and grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen ignoring Adrian as she passed him and gave me a plastic cup full of bear. I took it from her hand and gulped it down.

 ‘Guys what else did you bring?’ Alice asked them.

Tiff brought a bottle of vodka and other alcohols they brought. I thought they were supposed to be the good guys.

3 hours later…

‘WOOOOHHHOOO!’ Alice shouted and jumped on the couch. The loud music from the music Radio was loud and blazing in my ears. But I let the alcohol I drank take control over me as I danced with Max and Adrian. The night light is on with rad colour and we were all dancing and also a little crazing over men. There are exactly three men and three women, and one off them is a very hot lady. Yep that is me. I won’t say lady, I’ll say a lovely girl with full of fun.

Max came closer to me as our hips rubbed and he handed me a cup of vodka. I gulped it down no longer burning my throat, because I drank a lot off it the past few hours. I smiled at Tiff when she joined me.

‘Hey Fiona, show me your move gal.’ she said and laughed. I laughed along with her and drank another cup of vodka. Just as we were about to get high and dirty a knock on the door mad us all freeze. The music stopped and Max opened the door.

If it’s my mom we are all getting out of the house and sleep on the ground.

Adrian said and I looked at who was at the door when Max opened it. To our relief no one was there other than a letter.

‘It’s for Adrian, well open it later.’ Max said as he locked the door and gave it to Adrian. He put it down on the couch.

The music was back on and we were all back in doing what we were doing before the letter arrived. Before I even knew what I was doing my lips crashed on Adrian’s, he was shocked for a second then he kissed me back. I smiled at him when he broke the kiss. Wait what?! Did I just kiss him?! No I did not do that!

‘You can talk now.’ Adrian told me.

‘Really?’ I cupped my mouth and rubbed my neck line in shock. He smiled at me and I brightened, his blue eyes still shining. Overtime we were all having fun and I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bear.

‘So you can talk now.’ A familiar voice spoke behind me. I turned to see Max and we were in a face to face situation.

‘Yea, I guess I can speak now.’

‘Is it like this on the other side?’ he leaned on the table counter.

‘Like what?’

‘Like, partying every night, and drinking stuff.’

‘Yeah, but much much worse than this. They have like stripers and prostitutes everywhere. I wish if I could stay here forever.’ I told him, not even sure why I am, in the first place, telling him this.

‘So you hate it there?’ he asks concerned.

‘Not really, but it is my nature to like it. I was born there. Raised there. And planed on living there forever. Well until the unexpected happened. Me passing the barrier was kind of a shock to me.’ i took a sip from the bottle in my hands.

‘There was one guy that did that. His name was Ethan. Years ago he went to the other side and he didn’t come out after that. No one new how he crossed the barrier. But he did it just like you did it.’ He explained.

‘Maybe Ethan hated it here, and wanted to see something new.’ I say taking anotherr sip.

Max did not comment on my remarkof Ethan. He chuckled and left to join everyone out in the living room. I feel something weird about him. A mysterious man he is, almost evil. How do I know whether he is evil or not? Ever since I got here my emotions and senses are all a mess that I can’t even tell what’s right and wrong.

I took another sip from the bottle and set it down on the table counter. The headache I got was getting worse and worse. I ignored all the loud music and shouts as I went upstairs and straight to Adrian's bed. His bed is too comfy...

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