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Phoenix Fire’s POV


I try to wipe the slime off of my face with the back of my palm. I look back to see Adrian looking at me with a surprised look on his face. The temperature between us was equal; I try to hide the smile behind my lips of how great I was to see him. I tried to find the barrier river in the forest last night, but when I failed I decided to go back the way I came from with a friend I made while roaming inside the forest.

The tiger next to me growled and licked my palm twice. The wind chattering was quietly chanting the grass below my naked feet.

‘Where were you?’ he ask me as I try to wipe the slime on my palm.

I tack a deep breath of myth and mystery before I answered him, ‘I was trying to find my way back to home…to the other side.’ He decreased the distance between us when he took a step closer. I held my breath nervously and look at his blue eyes.

‘And looks like you didn’t make it to the other side. I put a little spell on that river so you can’t get away.’ Unexpectedly I was shocked to hear that.

I nod slowly taking a step back. He put his hand up telling me to come inside. I knew it was a bad idea to leave this cottage in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping. Now, I wonder where Tiff, Davy and Alice are. When I enter there were no sign of them. Instead I saw an old lady sitting on a couch. Adrian enters the house from behind me and his clod fingers grazing my hand send shocks through my body making the hair on the back of my neck stand straight.

‘Good morning, love.” I wanted to tell the old lady to stop calling me that, but I was too nervous to talk to people who I have no idea about.

‘Good morning, mom. I’m going to make her breakfast.’ I look at Adrian and he didn’t notice my glance as he traveled to the kitchen. I slowly walk on the carpet and sit in front of the old lady that was reading a book with glasses on. She didn’t look at me or anything as I sit down, Adrian return to the room with a bowel full of milk and cereal.

‘I don’t eat cereal. They make me puke.’ I say to him quietly.

‘Well, good for you, we don’t have anything else. Or we don’t have anything that comes from the other side.’ He replies kindly.

I roll my eyes and pick up the spoon full of cereal and eat them. I finished the whole bowel within 15 minutes so I don’t have to eat that junk of a food again. Most of the mornings I don’t have breakfast, I just eat only at midday and at midnight. Now that I think of it, why are we separated from them? Why are the good ones separated from the bad ones?

Adrian goes up stairs and I watch his every step as clearly as a vulture would look to find a way to kill there pray. A moment later Adrian comes back down with a letter in his hand and looks at me with his eye brows in a knot, all I could tell was that something was troubling him.

‘Mother?’ he asks for her attention.

She looks at Adrian from under her lashes and took her specs and perch them on her forehead, ‘yes, son.’

‘This latter came last night from the councils; they decided that this is a mater far more serious than they thought.’ He handed her the letter personally by his hands.

I watch her open the letter and read whatever was written in it. I was carefully looking at her and seeing the unhappy look on her face made me cranky at the end.

‘Oh dear,’ she put the letter down and look at me with a sad face. ‘The council minister wants to personally meet you. And after, you will be sent to the city for farther recreations and you will also be escorted by one or two of our family. It seems like…’ I look at her face that was lined with age, more harshly. And the white/gray hair on her arms stood up at the edge…or so I think.

‘This evening they will come to take you away, to the council.’ Adrian said when his mother did not continue. I scowl at him standing up, and glaring at him. ‘And they want us to hold you controlled and to not let you out of sight.’ He finished and I growl softly. He didn’t show at least the bit of a worried face. I wonder is this the same person that put me into bed last night and let me sleep like a baby!

I am angry! Beyond angry! What the hell did I do to them that they have to take me away from the most beautiful place that I have ever been?

‘What the hell! I’m not going anywhere.’ I say to Adrian.

‘What the haven. You are so going to everywhere.’ He mocks at me.

I cross my arms and hold my ground. Just if my scythe were here I would teach them good, ‘Make me.’ I say confidently.

‘Oh I will, when evening comes.’ He says and my eyebrows knot together. God, I felt like killing him.

I stomp my feet on the floor went up the stairs, my easy dress flowing lightly behind me. I enter the room I was sleeping before, and smack the door behind me… not that it made much noise. I was no, I am so mad at them. I thought that they trusted me.

Why the hell am I even here? I wish if I hadn’t tried to find that stupid cave in the first place. Not just that, I even lost my beautiful scythe that I love so much. I feel like cutting peoples head off. I needed to at least find peace here. Finally in million years I thought that I was happy and far away from anything that could possibly destroy my happiness.

I hit kick the corner of the bed, but instead of the bed getting broken, I think my leg got broken. I screamed like no other, I was hurt. Hurt in different ways. Well, first I thought that Adrian liked me, that he would never hurt me or leave me. I felt safe here with him until now. Then secondly, why the hell does kicking the corner of the bed hurt so much that I couldn’t help but scream!

I look at the slim door next to the wardrobe and decided to take a shower, since I am sweating so much after my small tour last night. I tried to reach my zip behind the dress, and finally unzipped my dress. Then let it fall down on the wooden floor. Before going in to the shower room I took one glance at the beautiful yet magical forest through the tiny window.


I let the water flow down my shoulders, relaxing the muscles behind the skin. I looked above to see a perfect little cloud above my head, and the water flowing from it was hot and steamy. I touched the cloud and my hand went right through it, but it did wet my hand. Even the way they shower in this side is great. I just have to pull a lever down and a steam of cloud comes out of a hole from a pipe on the wooden wall. And when the little cloud rains, I take a shower.

I don’t want to go to the council today. Who knows what they’ll do to me? Maybe they will examine my body from inch to inch. Maybe they will execute me in front of everyone, including Adrian. Well at least I got to see some other parts of the world that no one else got to see before they died.

I soap my skin and rinse it so that all the dirt attached to it would go away first. I am so tired of all the things in the other side; I never want to go back to that stupid and scary old place. But it’s my home there; I have to go back to the other side…before they do something horrible to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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