Chapter 15 - Hermione Granger

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No. No!

Fear clawed up my throat as I took in the marbled floors and the harsh cold of the room I never wanted to see again.

The chandelier was hanging once more, ominous in the dark, but my eyes latched onto a spot in the centre of the room.

Not a speck of blood remained, but the torturous horror clutched at my mind. I didn't need to see the evidence of what had happened – I remembered it all.

I clutched at my arm, my raw fingernails digging into my mark – an unconscious action after nights of waking, drenched in sweat.

"How dare you bring us here!" Ginny's voice growled, snapping through my fear. "How dare you, you filthy ferret!"

Swallowing through my fear, I turned, trembling, to see Ginny glaring at Malfoy, who glared right back.

"How dare I? How dare you!" he seethed. "How dare you follow me into my home!"

"Draco? Is that you?" A female voice called through the air and the three of us turned to see a graceful woman slide through an open archway.

Her eyes slid straight to mine and surprise flittered across her face. My trembling jumped up a notch when I took in the features of Narcissa Malfoy. She looked nothing like her sister had, all grace and wealth compared to wildness and insanity, but something in the way she held herself sent spikes of debilitating terror through my heart.

I turned to Ginny, the feel of an invisible hand circling my throat. "We need to leave, Ginny."

She nodded, an unspoken agreement in her eyes and she moved to my side. She clutched my elbow and we shifted back towards the fireplaced we had barely edged out of but froze when a voice whipped through the air.

"What are you doing in my house?"

Lucius Malfoy stood beside his wife, his wand out and pointed at us, chin high and eyes dangerous.

"Leaving," my voice left my mouth more confident than I felt.

With great effort, I faced his son. "Find a loophole, Malfoy. Get us out of this madness."

Ginny yanked me back and yelled for the Burrow. As the world was devoured by fire, I saw Malfoy nod.


With a whoosh, we stepped out of the green flames and into the living room of the Burrow.

Dropping Ginny's hand, I collapsed to the ground and pressed my hands to my chest. Heaving breaths in and out, I cradled my chest and waited for my heart to stop quaking.

"Hermione?" Ginny knelt in front of me, worry creasing her brow as she pressed my forehead into her shoulder and wrapped her arms around me.

I closed my eyes and sucked in a large breath before releasing it slowly. I opened my eyes, pulled back and met my friend's worried gaze.

"I'm okay," I gave her a smile, even though I was still shaking on the inside. "I'm okay."

We stood up, though she still looked concerned.

Looking around the familiar walls, I realised how much I had missed this. I had missed these walls, all the photos of everyone, the staircase that went up forever, the people that were always talking, happy, welcoming.


"Come on," Ginny sild her arm through mine. "Mum probably knows we're here already. If we don't head up soon, we'll get into trouble."

As soon as my foot rested on the first step, a wand, held by a bleary-eyed Arthur, poked around the corner.

"Dad!" Ginny threw herself in for a hug and the still somewhat asleep Arthur blinked, confused before patting her head.

"Oh, dear. I didn't know you were coming! Why didn't you warn us!" she glanced at us sharply. "Is something wrong, dear? Are you alright?"

Ginny and I shared a glance.

"Mum, why don't we go sit down and talk about this while Hermione goes and wakes Harry and Ron up," Ginny guided her parents down the stairs as I continued up.

Finding Ron and Harry's room – who spent most of his time here anyway – I walked inside and yanked the covers off them "Wakey, wakey."

Harry leapt up, pointing his wand at me, while Ron groaned and rolled back over.

"Hermione?" Harry's face lit up as he pulled me into a hug.

Ron wasn't too far off and he jumped up, joining the group hug.

"What are you doing here?" They both grinned at me.

My own grin slipped away as I sighed. "You'd better grab those. It'll make a lot more sense that way."

I pointed at the envelopes that lay at the feet of their beds. They blinked at them, and then at me, equally as confused as the other.

"Come on," I turned back to the stairs.

They trailed after me, their letters already open in their hands.

"What?!" Harry's voice echoed across the walls as we joined Molly, Arthur and Ginny. "They can't do this to us!

His face was riddled with fury, and Ron's wasn't much better. "We fought in the War! They can't do this to us a year later!"

"Who'd they pair you with?" Harry looked at Ginny and me.



"What?!" Harry seethed, his anger full and blooming. Ron looked like he wanted to hit something.

"The ferret?" Ron hissed. "How could they put you with him?"

"Who did they 'match' you with?" I directed the question at both of them.

"Katie Bell," Harry's anger turned to disgruntlement.

"Alicia Spinnet," Ron sighed.

Harry crossed over to Ginny and began murmuring to her, their foreheads pressed together.

"This is a nightmare," Ron growled.

"That's why we're on our way to speak with the Minister," I sighed, resting against the wall.

"We'll come with you," Harry was quiet, running his hands up and down Ginny's arms, but his voice was strong.

"Absolutely," Ron crossed his arms over his chest. "We won't stand for this."

"Just wait a minute," Molly interjected. "You can't just whisk over to the Ministry of Magic and demand to see the Minister."

"We work there, Mum, so it's not like we'll have to sneak in," Ron replied.

"And Kingsley is a friend. He fought with us in the war, so he'll hear us out," Harry reasoned.

"Molly sighed, "Just don't get into too much trouble, please?"

Ginny detached herself from Harry and walked over to kiss her mother on the cheek. "We won't."

We stood in the centre of the living room, Harry and Ginny clasping hands, and Ron's hand on my shoulder. Nodding to each other, we apparated towards the Ministry of Magic to sort out this ridiculous law. 

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