Chapter 24: Luster Day

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Luster Day . . .

Sans and Papyrus' House, Downstairs.

"Before I get into the heat of Frisk's oven, I needed to talk to you about the coolness of the fridge," Sans said to Papyrus as he moved downstairs.

"Ugh." Papyrus looked toward Sans. "I am going to hate today."

"I'm gonna likey," Sans said, "but, seriously, before she comes down? Um. She invited me to do something."

"What?" Papyrus whined. "The day hasn't even begun, and the answer is no!"

"Huh? Oh." Sans chuckled. "I'd miss that. Uh, no, Papyrus, she invited me to go to college with her."


"If it's all fine. You know, there's no problem, then she'll stay for a bit and then go back to college. She asked if I wanted to come," Sans said seriously. "I kind of want too."

"Move? Away?" Papyrus asked.

"Yeah. Plus, you know, I could breeze through those college classes. Probably find someone who loves me for my over advanced skill and have them take advantage of it by hiring me at minimum wage," Sans joked. "Gots more than enough to get established out there with Frisk."

"But, you're a monster."

"Yeah, but a married monster."

"But. Well, you've never lived anywhere else but the mountain, Brother," Papyrus reminded him. "No one has."

"Yeah," Sans agreed. "I haven't. Never left here, but . . . everyone's gotta move on." He looked toward Papyrus. "I want to stay with Frisk."

"Last night was just an ACT," Papyrus warned him. "What if that conversation was simply a part of it too?"

Sans shook his head. "It's not, and I'm not gonna lose Frisk just 'cause I'm scared to go outside the mountain and really live out there. I won't leave my wife hangin' like that. Now, can you show me how this whole contract thing works?

"Uh. Yes. Uh. I don't want you to leave. Do you want to leave?" Papyrus asked. "To live among the humans, is that what you want?"

Frisk had planned on getting a head start waking up again, but she heard Sans from downstairs instead.

"Not really. Humans will look at me strange, laugh at me, get in a fight with me, or run away in terror. I gotta imagine it's not going to be the easiest lifestyle when their law enforcement keeps getting called over and over again. But. I love Frisk. No matter what I have to do to keep her, I'm going to do it."

Loves me. He didn't want to leave with her. She thought maybe he'd want to. Maybe she could make her dreams come true, and still have her Sans in the strange twisty turny friendship-girlfriend-kind of thing they had.

But. How did humans respond to monsters? Would they get any better? Was she putting Sans in danger by having him tag along with her? Or, should she put her own dreams aside for him. For his happiness. I want him to be happy.

"I am worried," Papyrus said. "I am worried in so many ways with that! I mean, you're a monster and people won't be nice. You won't make any friends, and you always needs friends. And Frisk? She is a human married to a monster, so I'm sure humans will lash out at her too. Unless she plans on hiding it? Are you going more as friends?"

"Uh? No. No way, right?" Sans sounded nervous. "Nah, she wouldn't invite me just 'cause . . ." He was shaking his head. "Not just as a friend, she wouldn't invite me like just as a friend, right? Papyrus?"

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