Wanna fight?

0 0 0

Hesitantly he entered the digits into the bar atop his screen and began to type his message.

"Hey it's Dan." he wrote quickly pressing send before he could back out.

Phil- Hey space boy! I was almost worried you wouldn't notice my little note

Dan- Very smooth phil I'll give you that..

Phil- Do you like garlic bread?

Dan- Wow I think that's a bit forward phil, I don't think we're close enough for you to ask me such a personal question

Phil- we literally french kissed a few days ago, Danny

Dan- dOeSnT mAtTeR pHiLiP DoNt SaSs Me

Phil- ...k

Dan- FiGhT mE

Phil- I was thinking something more along the lines of laser tag? 7pm tomorrow night?

Dan- oh my fucking god you're such a dork

Phil- is that a no? I understand if you're too afraid to lose

Dan- I'll be there
Friday 7:15
The arcade was fairly dark, everything smells of plastic or pizza and had black lights placed sporadically around the ceiling. Phil arrived before Dan and booked them into a 7:30-8:30pm slot.

"Ready to get your ass handed to you Howell?" Phil mocked spinning his gun on his index finger.

"I think you've underestimated me, Lester," Dan taunted as he began fastening every buckle on his black jacket with illuminated laser sensitive targets.

"Is that so?" Phil teased

They walk into the dark room where blacklight only illuminated the designs splashed across otherwise black walls. There are ramps and angled barriers to hide complete with annoying techno music and obnoxious sound effects. The intercom counts down from 3 and activates the jackets so they glow in respective colors, red and blue, and they take off running in opposing directions.

Phil keeps his back to the wall. only venturing to the middle of the large room to shoot a marking that promises bonus points. Phil's jacket loses it's glow and emits a prerecorded zap. He glares over his shoulder to see Dan smirking, the red glow illuminating the high points of his face. His jacket restarts and he sprints to the other side of the room determined to beat the other.

7 minutes are left on the clock, Dan just needs one more shot to win but Phil can't let that happen.

With his back pressed against the barrier, Dan pulled out his phone to type out a message.

Dan- ready to quit? *sent*

Phil was no where in sight...then he heard a phone chime close by.

Hands pinned his shoulders to the wall unexpectedly, their chests collided and hip bones flush. Mouths open and desperate against each other and Dan forgets he is holding his phone allowing it to clatter to the floor and moving his free fingers to the back of Phil's neck. Phil sucked on Dans lower lip causing him to mewl, encouraging him to then massage his tongue against his.

Moving lower along the curve of his neck he kissed his collar bone lightly before harshly sucking it until it became deep purple then laving over it with his tongue. The mark almost a stain on his slightly tanned otherwise unblemished skin.

"Fuck..Phil" Dan keened at the sensation drawing out the vowels as he spoke.

The slight friction between them as Phil shifted was enough to make Dan burn with need.

He moved back up to his face and brushed his lips against Dan's swollen red ones. He pressed the tip of his gun against a Dan's chest, pulled the trigger and flashed an arrogant grin before strutting away from the flustered boy.

30 seconds go by and the buzzer sounds.

"Cheeky bastard" Dan mumbled, hot and bothered and aching in his now painfully tight jeans. He unzipped his jacket and made his way out of the room attempting to conceal his glowing blue wet pre cum stained trousers.

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