Everyday Is the Same

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I'm tired of living this way
The same way day after day

Everyday is the same. Wake up, get ready, wake up Kane-san, help him get ready, eat, work, eat, work, eat, bathe, sleep. Everyday is like that, there's nothing new happening in Horikawa Kunihiro's life.

When the morning rays peak into the room Horikawa shares with Kane-san the older boys day starts. Or so it should. Yet today was different. Horikawa didn't wake up with the sun, instead he slept in. He probably would've slept all day had he not been woken up by his partner.

"Oi Kunihiro, get up!" Izuminokami shook the small sword, trying to wake him. It was unusual for Izuminokami to be awake before Horikawa, much less already ready for the day.

Groaning, Horikawa opened his blue eyes. "Kane-san? Why are you up?" He asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Get up otherwise we'll be late for breakfast." Izuminokami said, standing up. Turning his back to Horikawa, he walked over to the door where he waited. Nodding, Horikawa quickly got up and began to get ready. He got dressed in his usual red tracksuit, brushed through his hair, and washed his face. All the while Izuminokami just waited by the door.

"Come on, let's go." Izuminokami said, sliding the door open and heading out into the hallway, Horikawa following closely behind him. By the time they'd reached the dining hall, almost everyone was already there and seated. Horikawa sat next to Mutsunokami while Izuminokami sat next to Horikawa.

"Yo Horikawa what happened? You're late." Mutsunokami asked, turning to face the sword. Horikawa chuckled nervously at Mutsunokami's question. "I guess I just slept in, I'm not sure why though." He said, looking down at his lap. Of course he knew why he slept in. The past few nights he'd been up late, which was starting to show with the dark circles under his eyes.

Mutsunokami looked at Horikawa, wanting to ask more but he knew better than to try and pry, especially at breakfast and what with Izuminokami around. A few moments later, Shokudaikiri and Kasen came out with the food and breakfast began.

Horikawa ate in silence. The sword assistant didn't eat as much as usual, he wasn't feeling it. Izuminokami didn't seem to notice, though Mutsunokami did. The male knew something was up, but what? And how was he supposed to find out? Horikawa was rarely found not working, much less alone. Mutsunokami just had to hope their master would pair him and Horikawa together for some kind of work.


After breakfast everyone gathered outside to await the saniwa's orders. Silence filled the air as the saniwa came out. Clearing her throat, she started giving assignments. "Mutsunokami and Horikawa, you two are assigned to field work." She said. Mutsunokami silently thanked his master for pairing him up with Horikawa, now he had the chance to ask him what was going on.

Once everyone was given their assignments, the saniwa left to go back to her room. Turning around, Mutsunokami walked over to Horikawa. "Ready Horikawa?" He asked, looking down at him. Horikawa glanced at Izuminokami before nodding. "Great! Let's go!" Mutsunokami said. Before Horikawa could say something, Mutsunokami grabbed his wrist and pulled him along. Once they reached the area that the tools were, Mutsunokami let go of the males wrist.

"What was that for Mutsunokami?" Horikawa asked, rubbing his wrist. "Ah sorry bout that, I needed to get you alone." The other said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Anyways, now that we're alone how about you tell me what's going on with you?" Mutsunokami asked, taking a step closer to Horikawa.

"I don't know what you're talking about Mutsunokami, everything's fine, I'm fine.."

Mutsunokami narrowed his eyes. He walked closer to Horikawa and only stopped when the smaller swords back was to the wall of the shed. "Liar! If you were fine you wouldn't be eating less each day, not to mention sleeping less. You're neglecting yourself by making sure that bastard Izuminokami's life is all perfect." Mutsunokami raised his voice, looking down at the other sword.

Horikawa bit his lip, not daring to look at him. Getting annoyed that Horikawa wouldn't look at him, Mutsunokami put a finger under his chin and forced him to look at him. "So, will you tell me what's going on Horikawa?"

"I don't know. There's nothing interesting going on and I just feel... tired? Kane-san doesn't seem to care what i do, he's too busy fooling around with Aruji." Horikawa started, his blue eyes threatening to spill the tears he's been holding back. "At nights he leaves and doesnt come back until late, or not at all. Not to mention he always seems annoyed with me. But sometimes he'll be really nice and I just don't know how to feel." He finished.

Mutsunokami took a step back, taking in the sword assistant in front of him. His small form was trembling, a few stray tears left his tired blue eyes. He looked weak and scared that Mutsunokami felt like he should be protecting him from Izuminokami.

Taking a deep breath, Mutsunokami wrapped his arms around Horikawa's small form. This took Horikawa by surprise. It took him to register what was happening before he threw his arms around Mutsunokami.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Mutsunokami took a step back. "Hey Horikawa, how about you spend the night with me tonight? I don't have anyone in my room yet." He suggested. Horikawa thought for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he nodded.

"Great! Now let's get to work before someone notices us." Mutsunokami said, smiling brightly at the other sword. Horikawa nodded, giving a small smile to Mutsunokami. Getting what they needed from the shed, the two headed to the fields to begin working. It was hot out but neither one of them cared, they had their minds set on nightfall.

Will You save me?
I'm in too deep
I'm in slavery
- -
Lyrics belong to The Birdsongs.
I'm going to go down with this ship I love it so much. I mean I totally ship Horikawa x Izuminokami as well as Izuminokami x Mutsunokami but not as much as I'm shippen Mutsunokami x Horikawa.

I'll have the next chapter out soon (hopefully). I hope you enjoy my self indulgent fanfiction.

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